Police seize crystal meth, cocaine and heroine

Crime 100By Staff

February 20, 2015


The Halton Regional Police Service seized some of the most addictive drugs sold on the street: cocaine, methamphetamine and heroine was found during early morning search warrants.

On February 20th 2015, members of the Drug, Gun and Gang Unit and the Burlington Strategic Support Team executed three (3) search warrants in; Burlington, Hamilton and Mississauga in relation to a drug trafficking investigation.

As result of this investigation police have seized the following controlled substances:

• 1.1 kilograms methamphetamine (crystal meth)
• 16 ounces of cocaine
• 4 ounces of cannabis marihuana
• 8 grams of heroine
• Digital scales
• Currency

Christopher Everton JONES (29 years of age) of Burlington was arrested and charged with the following offences:
• Possession for the Purpose of Trafficking (two counts)

Xaysongkham VONGXAYA (31 years of age) of Hamilton was arrested and charged with the following offences:
• Possession for the Purpose of Trafficking (2 counts)

Aenoy VILAYSANE (30 years of age) of Hamilton was arrested and charged with the following offences:
• Possession for the Purpose of Trafficking (3 counts)
JONES and VONGXAYA will appear for a bail hearing on February 20th 2015 in Milton.

VILAYSANE was released and will appear in Milton Court on March 31st 2015.

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