Pride and attachment to country in Canada both endure significant declines

By Staff

December 13th, 2024


The Angus Reid Institute, a public polling organization that is multi-national in its out-reach reported this morning that:

Percentage saying they’re ‘very proud’ to be Canadian has dropped from 78% to 34% since 1985

The years since the onset of COVID-19 have been a well-documented period of division and discord in this country, with Canadians expressing concerns about the weakening compassion and growing space between Canadians.

New data from the non-profit Angus Reid Institute find two broad trends underscoring these changes and signalling a challenge for national unity.

In 2016, 62 per cent of Canadians said they had a deep emotional attachment to Canada. In 1991 that mark was three points higher (65%). Now in 2024 it is 13 points lower at 49 per cent.

Even more dramatic is a drop in a sense of pride among Canadians. In 1985, 78 per cent said they were “very proud” to be Canadian. This dropped to 52 per cent in 2016 and now by another 18 points to 34 per cent.

The proportion who say they are either proud or very proud of their nationality has dropped precipitously from 79 per cent to 58 per cent over the past eight years.

This data puts the Trump comment about Canada becoming a 51st state in a different light.

For a deeper dive into the data Click HERE.

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1 comment to Pride and attachment to country in Canada both endure significant declines

  • David

    Looks like Pierre Trudeau lost 22%, Mulroney lost another 7%, Chretien clawed back 3%, Harper lost 16%, leaving Justin Trudeau to loose 18%.