Provincial government says it want ideas and input on the preparation of the 2016 budget - give you just three days to tell them what you think.

News 100 redBy Pepper Parr

January 28th, 2016


Do all the good ideas have to come from the high priced consultants?

Are the big shot business people the only ones who have the answers to the issues we face?

Certainly not – but it isn’t often the average person gets a chance to make a contribution.

Queen's Park

They say they want your ideas.

The province is seeking public input to help develop the 2016 Ontario Budget. Pre-Budget consultations taking place in communities across Ontario

Today, Associate Minister of Finance Mitzie Hunter was in Hamilton as part of a province wide tour of pre-budget consultations, which include in-person sessions, telephone town halls and online idea-sharing.

Pre-budget consultations are an important way for Ontarians to have their say on how to grow the economy, create jobs and plan for the province’s future. Ideas gathered through these consultations will be considered as part of the budget development process.

Ontarians can get involved in the conversation by:

• Visiting to share, discuss and vote for ideas online
• Calling the Ministry of Finance at 1-866-989-9002 to participate in an in-person consultation
• Emailing ideas to
• Mailing in your ideas
• Faxing in your ideas to 416-325-0969
• Tweeting ideas using #BudgetTalks

It is always hard to tell if the politicians really want input from the average person – maybe its just a public relations trick to make u all feel good. Give them the benefit of the doubt. When you learn on the 28th that written submissions are due by January 31, 2016, you begin to wonder – don’t you.

The government does say that in 2015, they heard from more than 300,000 Ontarians through pre-budget consultations.

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