Resident provides data putting the recent City Manager salary increase in context

By Staff

September 30th, 2023


City Manager Tim Commisso – got a 25% bump is salary. The $63,000 increase is more than many people at city hall earn.

Joe Gaetan, a Burlington resident, put some useful data in a comment earlier today on how much the current City Manager, Tim Commisso is now paid.

It was difficult to appreciate the point he was making so we formatted the data that is set out below.


Not too shabby is it?

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3 comments to Resident provides data putting the recent City Manager salary increase in context

  • Caren

    Re the figures above in this article:
    Burlington has the second smallest population behind Cambridge. Burlington has 159,617 residents, (not tax payers) to pay our City manager’s salary, whereas Toronto has a population of 3,025,647 people and Ottawa has 1,071,868 people respectively. Quite a very different story in regards to our population, the job and the City Manager’s responsibilities and time management etc. You need to compare apples to apples. No wonder our property taxes continue to escalate at a rapid pace!!

  • Jim Thomson

    The population figure for Burlington appears to be low.
    The 2021 census puts it at 186,948

    • Joe Gaetan

      For consistency reasons, the population stats for all the cites represented, came from the same data source. I mistakenly used 2002 stats instead of 2022 stats for two cities. Following are the 2022 population figures for Cambridge (146,566) and Burlington (194,175). At one time I worked as a compensation consultant and this particular data set while not exhaustive, is but one of the factors that would go into a compensation study to determine the monetary compensation component for a given role. The population of a community is a key driver for staffing, and the complexity of the role being studied.