Right, Wrong and Reading the Room

By Staff

January 9th, 2023



Getting it right and listening to the people that pick up the tab has been a consistent theme during the early days of this year.

Served as a senior executive with IBM and serves with passion as a Lions Club member.

Perry Bowker sent us the following on right and wrong in 2022

Right: The re purposing of the Bateman school. Wrong: the general lack of transparency to questions being asked by the public about the deal.

Right: Rulings by the Integrity Commissioner. Wrong: again, some lack of transparency, especially the perception that the IC itself has a conflict of interest

Net: Doing good work in a challenging environment, but need to find ways to be more forthcoming about details when asked by public and the media, and not hiding behind lawyer’s recommendations – they will always counsel silence.

This isn’t the first time we have heard this.

Earlier in the week Stephen White in commenting on the 7% tax increase that is heading our way urged city council to “learn to read the room”.

Relayed opinion piece

Reading the room

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