Ron Dennis: 'That's not putting Canada first.'

By Pepper Parr

February 16th, 2025



Ron Dennis, an ink stained wretch, who has edited a lot of copy in his years as a respected journalist.

He now lives in Ottawa, originally home town for him; posted his response to remarks Leader of the Opposition Pierre Poilievre made during a speech in Ottawa.

Dennis was moved to publish the following on his Facebook page.


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9 comments to Ron Dennis: ‘That’s not putting Canada first.’

  • Ross Hamilton

    You might do your publication a favour and leave nonsensical Facebook quality propaganda like this on Facebook….. unless you are calling out this journalist’s fall from grace from their once credible standing as a serious journalist.

  • Caren

    We have 3 major parties in the Federal Government. Liberals, Conservatives, and NDP.
    Why is the Burlington Gazette focusing in on the Liberal party? and not the other parties equally as well.
    Such as this article and the other articles previously posted by Liberal MP Nate Erskine Smith??
    Articles on Karina Gould and not on Emily Brown?

    Editor’s note: The Erskine Smith article was on housing – of which he is the federal Minister. When we come across something Emily Brown has done it will get reported.

  • Michael Parkinson

    Methinks, Mr. Dennis should keep to ‘editing’ vs ‘writing’ – I don’t see any evidence of what he claims in the transcript of PP’s speech.

  • Richard

    It won’t be long before we hear “he’s going to outlaw abortion”

  • Penny Hersh

    What does “putting Canada first” really mean?

    Canada for many years started to depend on the United States and other countries to manufacture goods that once were produced in Canada.

    The name of the game was “cheaper goods from other countries”. What does Canada actually manufacture? Yes, we have natural minerals, hydro power etc. that we export but is that enough?

    Suddenly we have become a patriotic country. Canada could never defend itself. Our military has been decimated. We have not paid into NATO what we should have for years. Now Mark Carney ( the silver bullet liberal) indicates that we will start paying our 2% ( which is too little) in 5 years.

    How many people will continue looking for made in Canada products? How many of these products are truly Canadian. Canadian and American manufacturing companies are very intertwined.

    Wrapping ourselves in the Canadian flag looks great for a photo-op, but it’s time we get real and realize that past decisions by a liberal government have come back to bite us in the behind.

  • Allan Briskin

    Another biased Liberal journalist. Liberal talking points – all lies.

  • Don Fletcher

    I don’t know exactly what Pierre Poilievre said or didn’t, but sadly over the last 9 years of Liberal rule, Canada has veered leftward and now we are tragically vulnerable to all sorts of threats. We must make some hard choices if we are to survive. As Winston Churchill was once reported to have said “socialism is the best form of government, until you run out of other people’s money to spend”


    I listened to that rally on the TV news and did not hear any promises about the above services being cut.