By Pepper Parr
September 6th, 2022
You just have to like the way Margo Shuttleworth does things.

Margo Shuttleworth has earned a doctorate in jurisprudence from a university in Scotland
A decent school board trustee – she gets back to people pretty quickly and is certainly no slouch when it comes to ideas and input on what can be done to make the school board she serves as a trustee an organization that tries hard to hear what parents want for their chuldren.
In announcing the launch of her campaign for re-election she said the event would take place at Jake’s Oyster Bar and Grill (Walker’s and Harvester), on September 11th, 2022 from 4:00-6:00 P.M
“I would love the opportunity to meet as many people in-person as possible and discuss your ideas about school communities – so please spread the word.

When Shuttleworth ran in 2014 she produced a pledge saying basically that she would do the job were she to be elected. She wasn’t elected. She won the ward 4 trustee seat in 2018
“Free appetizers will be provided and you will have the opportunity to ask me your questions, get involved in supporting my candidacy for re-election, and find out more about the HDSB’s plans for next four years. “
One would usually expect the background for an election campaign to re-elect a trustee would have something in the way of an educational setting.
Kudo’s to Shuttleworth for bringing some “local colour” to the election of a school board trustee. These events tend to talk in terms of “multitudes of three or four people.
Shuttleworth is currently the Chair of the Board of trustees who replaced Andre Grebenc who many thought was doing a pretty good job. The Chair of the Board is selected by the trustees.
Related news story:
Candidate takes a pledge to do the job

I have long been hoping she and HDSB would be shouting from the rooftops demanding mask mandates to protect students and staff from COVID. I’ve seen nothing. I think Grebenc was the best trustee hands down, but I’m glad she’s moving on and up. She wasn’t afraid to speak out when it was needed.