By Pepper Parr
November 23rd, 2021
What is it this time you might ask?
Same old.
Developers doing what they seem to feel they have to do.
The one the Gazette has been watching is what we are calling the two Towers that Darko Vranich wants to put in the space now occupied by the Waterfront Hotel.
Developer filed their application on October 26th – no one told the people who are opposed to any additional high towers along Lakeshore Road.
The understanding we had was that the company, Lakeshore 2020, had yet to file a development application.
Not a bright future for an old hotel – what replaces it is the big question.
Not true – Lakeshore 2020 apparently filed an application on October 26th and at a meeting of City Council this afternoon the city planners are going to advise the Councillors that they do not want to accept the application because they believe it is not complete.
What we would like to know is – why does the public not get to learn the moment that an application had been filed.
One source has advised that the city planning department had 30 days to keep the application to themselves until they had assured themselves that it was complete. WE are not sure that is correct.
Not that it matters all that much at this point – what is really disturbing is the way members of council go mute and do not make any effort to inform the people.
Related news stories:
Plan B – worth more than a close look
Try a land swap and put city hall and the art gallery on the waterfront
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What did we expect from a Liberal Mayor and Council . Open and transparent is not their strong suit
You forget “And then deny it.”
Did councilor Kearns know about this application?
Did she disclose this to those on the walking tour and the rest of her constituents?
If she didn’t know she didn’t know. If she knew and disclosed, all is well. If she knew and deliberately did not disclose.
Then Pepper you have foder for an entire knew article.