July 10th, 2024
All businesses, regardless of sector or whether they’re based online or on physical premises, are under pressure to reduce their carbon footprint as much as they can in order to help the collective effort to reduce global warming. A lot of people would assume that businesses such as online casinos, due to the fact that they are ‘digital’ and ‘online’, wouldn’t necessarily apply to them. But it does.
A lot of the top online casinos now offer a live experience where you can play against a live dealer; a fine example of this is online at LuckyKoala Live Casino Canada. And of course, if they’re going to have a live dealer, they need physical premises. And so today we are going to look at the steps that some of the top online casinos that offer these live games are taking in order to reduce their carbon footprint while at the same time being able to offer that all-important immersive and engaging experience to their players.
How they are going eco-friendly
As well as having to provide physical premises for a live dealer, a lot of online casinos have their own offices for staff who perform duties such as software development, marketing, and customer service. Likewise, on data or network servers, whether they are remote or in-house, they can still be attributed in either way to that company’s particular carbon footprint. As the demand for online casinos increases, so does the power and processing capacity that these casinos need to function optimally and present their players with a seamless experience. Any top casino brand needs to have a robust and professional infrastructure in place.
Turning to renewables
So if casinos are going to need more and more power and energy in the future, how do they go about this in as eco-friendly a manner as possible? Well, many of the top online operators are noticing that they need to do something and are moving towards having their systems rely on renewable energy rather than those backed by fossil fuels. This is energy typically used to power the technology behind their gaming platforms and also the servers, which, of course, accommodate and supervise all of the traffic going through their website. This option, however, needs to be thought about in quite a lot of detail as it can incur costs, and the transition needs to minimize disruption and therefore downtime of their website.
Another option?
Although casinos don’t want to have to go through the hassle of moving towards renewable energy to power their equipment themselves, either through time constraints or financial expenses, there is another option, and you may have heard of the term ‘cloud’ being bounced around various sectors within the technology field. It essentially means that a casino can operate all of its processing power remotely at a facility that is dedicated for such a purpose. The reason why this might be a popular option is that a lot of the companies offering cloud storage and processing already have eco-friendly and scale-able solutions in place to cope with the casino’s power consumption demands.
In Summary
Ideally, this has given you a bit of insight into the infrastructure that the online casinos need to have established and in place in order to deliver the experiences they do to players like me and you. And at the same time, the challenges and options that are there and available to them should make them want to start taking steps in order to try and be more eco-friendly and to also reduce their carbon footprint, doing their bit as a business to help combat climate change.