By Pepper Parr
September 6th, 2022
Stephen White told me that he gave up checking his email at about 5:30 on Friday – he realized that the promised message to the public on the way the city was going to manage the coyote problem wasn’t going to arrive – which he fully understood.
White was surprised when he was told that there would be a report issued on the Friday.
What bothers White the most is that in its effort to engage the public the Communications people over promise and under deliver – and in the process lose the trust that is so critical in keeping the flow of traffic going in the right direction.
We recently published an article on how keeping the faith with the public you serve is so important.
The city manager should have made it required reading for everyone involved in working with the public.
At some point – whatever the city wanted to get out on Friday will get sent out – and the plan apparently is to discuss the document at a Standing Committee on the 14th.
This, yet another trust fracture could have been avoided if the city manager had just sent out a note saying staff needed more time.
Related news stories:
The Burlington Oakville Coyote Management document comes to light.
City manager meet with Stephen White – conversation produced results
Did the city actually indicate which Friday the report would be published?
The city manager has a problem doing his job. The coyotes need to be removed before there is a tragedy.