The cherry trees are in full bloom and there is a really good collection of public art

By Pepper Parr

April 27th, 2023



It was the best day we have had, the weather was really nice – even though many people were out wearing winter jackets. Dozens and dozens of women out pushing carriage – some seemed to be travelling in groups of eight and ten carriages – almost in a convoy.

The cherry trees are in full bloom. They are a gift to us from a man in Japan many years ago.

Small groups gathered around the cherry trees that were really a welcome picture.

As one strolled along the Naval promenade there were welcome opportunities to look at some really amazing art. The Dan Lawrie collection is on display – some really exciting art.

The Lawrie collection shares the space with some interesting Indigenous art.

There are a few of the pieces included in this story- we will follow up with more later.

The art on display in Spencer Smith Park is really worth your time.

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