The data that the Regional Budget is based on - it is a very healthy part of the province

By Pepper Parr

January 26th, 2023



On average, few people understand that the Regional government actually does.

The organizational chart shown below sets out what the Region does

The Region is responsible for a number of roads – but not all.  The 2023 Road Operations Budget includes a total of $15.0 million, an increase of $528,000 from the 2022 Budget, in road maintenance contracts with the local municipalities and Regional contracts to address growth in the Regional road network. A major driver of the increased road maintenance cost since 2016 is the increase in lane kilometres to support growth in the Region. Between 2016 and 2023, the Region’s transportation network system has been in a state of accelerated growth with an estimated increase of 57 lane kilometres. The following table shows the growth in the Regional road network over the past several years. 50.



The data above is a big picture look at what the Region has going for it and the growth that is being planned for through to 2051.


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