November 8th, 2024
When we were growing up – did we not see America as the land of the free?
The country that entered the Second World War and defeated the Nazi government and let the European countries rebuild their home, school, factories and their economies – getting to the point where they became prosperous.
In many newspapers this morning there were reports that President Elect Donald Trump was going to spare no expense “to implement his signature policy of deporting the 11 million undocumented immigrants in the United States.
Imagine the fear that must be racing through the minds of those 11 million people. They are certainly aware of how harsh and cruel this vulgar felon can be.
Trump has said he will use the armed forces if he has to – arresting them and placing them in deportation camps.
Families who entered America without papers – found jobs, bought homes, raised families may now find themselves being rounded up and deported – while any children they had would be left in the Country because they were born in America.

Mounties helping people enter Canada. In 2013 we took in anyone who wanted to cross our border. What will we do in 2025.
One of the results expected is that thousands will head to the Canadian border and attempting to enter Canada.
The Canadian government is already thinking through how it will deal with those people when the attempt to cross the border.
We don’t have the capacity to take these people in.
The number of people Canada plans to accept as immigrants has already been cut by 20%.
NATO – the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, created at the end of the Second World War has a clause in its agreement that states – an armed attack on one NATO member is seen as an attack on all the ember of NATO.
The Baltic States, Sweden and Denmark are NATO members; they are all very close to the Russian borders.
Ukraine is not yet a NATO member. It was invaded by Russia more than a year ago expecting an easy win. The Ukrainians have shown great courage and strength in preventing a takeover of the country by the Russians.
Donald Trump does not take office until January 20th. Between now and then President Biden has approved the sending of $9 BILLION in armaments to the Ukraine.
All this less than a week after the American election.
Those Canadians who think this is an American problem – may find themselves re-thinking what took place. This is a world wide problem and we are the mouse in the same room as the elephant.

A learnable moment for any political party who forget who they are there to represent. Like Trump or not his political strategist pulled off the win of the century.
Editor’s note: Tough to call this one a win Joe
Pepper my word choices were lose, win, coup d’etat. Since there was no military involved and as a centrist minded person I chose the middle ground. But then I could have used “ triumphed” but thought better.
Yes Joe it was a WIN–Trump not only won the Presidency in the Electoral College, but he won the popular vote. And he won the Senate and it looks like he will win the House. Yes, it was a WIN.