The results of the American election - how long before the regrets begin to roll in?

By Pepper Parr

November 6th, 2024



Two words.

Buyers remorse.

The America we knew is dead.

I was wrong on the Presidency, the Senate and the House.

The Americans are about to find out.



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14 comments to The results of the American election – how long before the regrets begin to roll in?

  • Gayle

    I just finished reading Prophet Song by Paul Lynch, 2023 Booker winner, about in the near future utopia, the government in Ireland becomes an authoritarian state, and it is quite the eye opening on how the state can take away people’s rights, with the leader becoming a dictator, in what is thought of a democracy. I finished it the day before the election, feeling bleak. If Trump does what he says he will do, democracy is at risk. Women’s rights will continue to be at risk. Not just in the US but around the world as others will emulate him. Unchecked power with the Senate being led by Trump republicans, maybe control of the House, and then the Supreme Court, with two more appointments to be made within the next four years. It’s scary stuff. As noted the civil service will be politicized, all charges and investigations against him will disappear, and he will do as he wishes. which is to benefit him, his family financially and his cronies. I fear for Ukraine, for the Palestinians, for those who live in Taiwan. The people who voted for him will be left in the cold. The millionaires and billionaires will reap benefits. Income inequality will widen. It’s something out of a novel or movie, but it’s real. And JD Vance is no better. I wouldn’t be surprised if he is president by the end of this term. It’s been a dark day.

  • Don Fletcher

    One word actually for Canada; colonization.
    It’s conceivable that our water & minerals could be traded for defense in the not too distant future. Sadly, dictator Trump is not benevolent.
    Buckle up, we’re in for a rough ride.

  • Penny

    I attend a current events class at the Burlington Seniors Centre and a vote was taken last Thursday as to who would win the Presidential election. The majority felt that Kamala would win.

    I voted that Donald Trump would win. Why? Not because I would ever vote for him but becuse he seems to be able to push ( although insanely) buttons to get the not so silent and silent majority to vote for him.

    I never understood how the average American could relate to this pompous, idiotic rich person.

    I lay this at the feet of Joe Biden. If he had stepped away earlier there would have been a democratic convention with other candidates vying to be their candidate. Kamala, in my opinion, would not have been the person representing the democrats in this election.

  • Gary Scobie

    Fool me once (Trump in 2016), shame on him; fool me twice (Trump in 2024), shame on me (the American voters). The con has worked not once, but twice. The biggest con in our lifetimes and its effects will be earth-shaking.

    The moves to lessen democracy further and take away freedoms from citizens will begin right after the inauguration in January. The politicization of the government civil service, the courts and police services will begin soon after. America is on the road toward autocracy. And the American voters can thank themselves.

  • Philip

    The American people made their choice–and it was overwhelming. Trump not only won the electoral college but for the first time in 20 years, a Republican won the popular vote. The Republicans won the Senate and early indications are that they will hold onto control of the House. Why did it happen? Americans repudiated the past 4 years of worsening economic circumstances (remember Bill Clinton’s famous line, “It’s the economy, stupid”) and a continuing sense that the government in Washington is increasingly out of touch with Main St. America. Perhaps Americans don’t like being called “garbage” by their current President.
    However, Americans have made their democratic choice and those on the left shouldn’t be so condescending as to criticize that choice; they will live with the consequences, whether they be good or bad. Clearly they think the future will now be better.

    And a cautionary note to the leftists here in Canada. As much as many Americans may be unhappy with their current economic circumstances, they are still much better off than many Canadians. And Canadians are just as dissatisfied with this Liberal government for its economic incompetence, compounded with the documented lies and corruption. Sadly, we will have to wait another year to turf this out-of-touch government.

    • Lynn Crosby

      I’ve voted Conservative in my lifetime several times, so I don’t fit the “leftist” label. But here’s the thing: it won’t just be the voters who voted for him who must “live with the consequences”. It will be all women whose rights no longer exist; it will be women and girls who die needing abortions – for whatever reason including rape or having a life-threatening ectopic pregnancy; it will be black Americans and Americans of every other race besides white who are led by a racist President and his racist party and policies; it will be every gay person; it will be every citizen of Ukraine; it will be every victim of gun violence. America: where they ban books instead of guns.

      If expecting people to draw a line on voting for a President who is a felon, an abuser of women and a racist, who is responsible for January 6 and the ensuing deaths that day is what being a “leftist” is called, then hell yeah, I guess I’m a leftist. And Trump has been bankrupt so many times we’ve lost count, he’s a grifter and a tax evader, so even if someone could tell themselves that “the economy” is more important than basic human rights and decency, he fails at that too.

      • Philip

        I listened to a woman from the United States on the radio yesterday. She was explaining why she voted for Trump. Here’s the gist of what she said, ” I am pro-choice but I voted for Trump. My husband owns his own trucking business and he is working harder than ever before but after the past 4 years, we can barely make ends meet. And I’ve listened to Harris and the celebrities with more money than god who support her telling me I should vote for her just because I’m a woman. They just don’t get it!”

        Americans voted for Donald Trump with eyes wide open. They’ve seen him as President and know who he is. They’ve seen the worst of him. And yet they still voted for him–he even won the popular vote. Harris’ frequent resort to word salads, her failure to be honest about the numerous failures of the Biden administration and her willingness to ignore the cognitive declines of the President did not inspire confidence. Too often, she resorted to the politics of division and deflected to woke platitudes that Americans are sick of. She did not offer the real change that Americans were searching for.

        And a lesson for the Liberal government. Her talking points and attitudes closely mirrored the same approaches that the Liberals are serving up to Canadians. And Canadians are just as tired of the past nine years of lies, corruption, and incompetence of Trudeau and his ilk. And even worse for Trudeau, his main opponent is far more articulate and centrist than Donald Trump. But like Trump, he understands the angst that ordinary Canadians are feeling and offers up concrete solutions to the problems. Sad that we have to wait another year.

  • Joe Gaetan

    Two words
    Economy and immigration

    • Ted Gamble

      Joe as usual hits the nail on the head although I would slightly rephrase it to say “affordability and immigration” These are our main issues too along with collapsing productivity. This is what Canadians will be voting on next year.

      Buyers Remorse is as applicable to Canada at this time when it comes to our Prime Minister.

    • Bob

      At last someone who actually understands WHY America voted for Trump and why the Liberal Party in Canada is destined to be descimated.
      The average person in the US could care less about abortion, it ranked in 5th place of the issues people were concerned with. People care about the environment, just not as much as they care about surviving. People want a job, they want inflation under control and the biggest issue is people of all ilks are tired of being called racist if they don’t agree with immigration, a misogynist and a whack job if you questioned vaccine mandates. A denier if you point out that not one grave has actually been found at a former residential school. Possible graves have been found but not one has been found factual yet.
      People are just tired of wokeness period and liberals everywhere need to stop with the divisiveness and get back to the middle of the political spectrum if they ever wish to govern again. There is no better example of people’s dissatisfaction than someone such as Donald Trump being elected not once but twice.

      • I am not certain that you are right “not one grave has actually been found at a former residential school.” Let me assume that you are for the moment. And so we wait until there is the proof you seem to need – even though the circumstantial evidence is overwhelming. What will you do Bob (the man who doesn’t have the courage to put his name to his convictions) when the exhumations take place and there they are – the bones of small children – all lined up – What then Bob?

        • Bob

          No, my point is that the left leaning politicians are talking of laws to outlaw denying an unproven fact.
          If and when that happens, and I do believe there will be Then i will speak of the horror, I will Not speak on unproven allegations, and i will always speak up for free speech. Even if its an audible sigh.

        • Bob

          An addendum
          You’ve pointed out exactly my point as to why liberalism is taking such a hit in both the US and Canada, rather than listen to the message you go on the attack because someone actually has a different opinion. Whatever my name has no bearing on the message. I don’t know you, you don’t know me so why do you think my full name is relevant to my point? You know my email as well as everyone else’s that posts so the only reason you raise the point is to try and discredit my point rather than listen to it.

          Editor’s note: You know who I am. My name and my photograph appear on the web site. I sign my name to the cheques that pay the bills for the online newspaper that you read regularly. How do I know that you’re not some nut case that gets weekend passes from some institution.

          Knowing who you are would give some credibility to what you choose to say.
          As for discrediting you – you’re doing just fine by yourself.

  • Lynn Crosby

    You were wrong because it’s impossible to believe that fifty percent of Americans would vote for a RACIST, tyrannical, rapist criminal sociopath who belongs behind bars. You had faith in humanity and that’s understandable.

    Many will die in the US and certainly Ukraine because of this. Women are already dying thanks to the “right to life” crowd (right to life only applies until puberty apparently). It’s unfathomable and sickening.