Transit Director speaks to community luncheon on service levels - gets challenged on closed washroom issue

By Staff

February 1st, 2024



Yesterday Burlington Director of Transit Catherine Baldelli  was the guest speaker at a luncheon at St. Luke’s Anglican church speaking about transit issues.

Director of Transit speaking to a group on transit issues a number of months ago. She spoke to a community luncheon group yesterday.

She is reported to have said that the John Street Transit terminal washrooms were closed to the public because too many people were using them.  We have not been able to confirm that Ms Badelli actually made that statement.

Bfast (Burlington for Accessible Sustainable Transit) meets regularly with Transit management and have said they will bring this up during their February 8th meeting.

Which is more than ward 2 Councillor Lisa Kearns is doing for transit users.

In time, someone somewhere will do the right thing and a washroom will be available to the public.

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4 comments to Transit Director speaks to community luncheon on service levels – gets challenged on closed washroom issue

  • David

    Not sure about the latest news that the transit station will now be opened on Sundays?

  • Anne-Marie Tywonek

    And The City would also dis-allow further ‘participation’ of pubic bathroom facilities if they weren’t being used ENOUGH!!! Geesh!!! What’s the magic number of “tush touchdowns” on the Transit Bowl to get this figured out?!!! LOL.

  • Joan Gallagher

    Question: Does the Director of Transit share a Monthly Review of Transit plus concerns?
    During the years since retiring from Volunteering (due too Health) there are many improvements in technology and public interest of Transportation. From my perch outside looking in not sure anything at City Hall has improved except for infrastructure improvement to colour of yellow lines. When I attended Transportion at Ontario Disabilities Act that was a large part of Kathy and mine input as our desk sign indicated.
    Looking forward to answer about a Monthly interaction Review/Memo.
    God Bless.

    • Jason Elliott

      Perhaps this restriction of public washrooms should be challenged in the courts under the charter of rights. As this restriction appears to be an issue of discrimination to people with disabilities, and lower income citizens. Question? If Health and Saftey is the reason for the restriction, what is the health concern? What level of government can override the usage of public facilities?