V2F - the mess re Waterfront hotel rests with the city manager and this council

By Pepper Parr

March 25th, 2022



City Manager Tim Commisso recently reported to Council on the job that he does and the high level guidelines he works within.

This document outlines a set of high-level business objectives and work priorities that will help guide the City Manager’s organizational effectiveness efforts over 2021 and 2022.

City Manager Tim Commisso

The document is designed to inform and align with the corporate strategic planning process (2040 Strategic Plan updated May 2021 and Vision to Focus – V2F 4-yr strategic action plan updated Feb 2022) and should be considered a “living document”, having the flexibility to continually adapt to any external and internal factors that may impact the priorities of the city and that require timely attention by the City Manager.

Of note, the City Manager performance objectives are not all encompassing of Council’s strategic priorities for the simple reason that corporate strategic management is a responsibility that is embraced and shared by the entire Burlington Leadership Team.

In addition to the existing City Manager led objectives that are embedded in V2F, I am personally committed to the following overriding strategic objectives:

        1. Improving Workplace Culture including Staff Engagement and Positive Attitudes
        2. Achieving Job Market Wage and Salary Competitiveness
        3. Improving Employee Retention and Attraction
        1. Advancing Employee Health and Safety Program
        2. Implementing an updated Performance Management Framework
        3. NEW – Ongoing refinement and execution of Council’s 2040 Strategic Plan and 2018-2022 Vision to Focus Strategic Action Plan (V2F)

I recognize that the ability of our dedicated staff team to continuously deliver on the day-to-day service demands, as well contribute to the strategic planning and management of the city, presents an ongoing challenge. This challenge has no question required sustained extraordinary efforts during the past two years managing the City’s COVID 19 Emergency Response.

As City Manager, I am driven by our collective commitment to excellence in both municipal governance and public accountability. As well, I am personally focused on enabling a strong leadership team, one that delivers on Burlington’s vision while living our corporate values of mutual respect and transparency. The Burlington Leadership Team (as depicted on next page) represents 400+ years of collective experience and in my view, their passion as leaders and commitment as professionals is what sets them apart. I am privileged to work closely with Council and the leadership team.

Is this the vision for the city. When was that approved?

On a final note, in January 2022, Council received the bi-annual community survey results and based on the statistically valid approach, Burlington citizens rated their overall satisfaction with City services at 95%…a remarkable result that speaks for itself in my view!

Respectfully Submitted

No mention of the failure to keep tabs on the most significant development the city has to contend with – what gets built on the Waterfront Hotel site.  One would be hard pressed to say that there is 95% approval of that project.


















City Manager Key Objectives #2 and #3




2: Improving Employee  Retention and Attraction





14             -+-VoluntaryTurnover in Percent

3: Advancing City-wide Employee Health and Safety

WSIB Total Reportable Incident Rate:# of WSIB reportable incidents per 100 full-time workers




10                                                                   RATES


-+-City of Burlington


12                                           – – 2022 City Manager Objective                                                   8

10                                             9.4


——-7                   r 7


– – 2022 City Manager Objective









0                                                                                                                                                                     0

2018     2019     2020     2021     2022          2018     2019     2020     2021 2022- YTD











City Manager Objectives: Existing as per Vision to Focus (V2F – July 2019 Version)






City Manager Objectives: Existing per V2F  

Key Strategic Actions

Revised Target













Increasing options for employment opportunities in Burlington


Implement the recommendations of the Red Tape Red Carpet Task Force (RTRC) to make it easier for businesses to locate and thrive in Burlington, attracting more investment.



Priority for business process review and redesign will be pre-building permit development application approvals – grading and drainage; committee of adjustment; zoning

and forestry









Q4 2022


RTRC report approved Q4 2019


An open dashboard has been developed to track the status of the 22 RTRC recommendations Reports on the deliverables are presented regularly to committee or accelerated due to the impacts of COVID-19 including business attraction and support strategies, the customer service experience and digital transformation of city services for business.




Improving advocacy to other levels of government to ensure Burlington’s voice is heard Create and implement a strategy for advocacy with senior levels of government



Develop and implement annual Government Relations update report to Council


A strategy was completed in March 2019 and the results from the workshop will be implemented and ongoing


Completed Q2 2021






Being a municipal leader in community engagement, collaboration, and volunteerism



Initiate and implement a Corporate Volunteer Strategy based on recommendations from the Mohawk Future Ready Leadership Team to create a simple and seamless system for residents to volunteer their time with the city



Corporate Volunteer Strategy with supporting technology ready for implementation and launch in first quarter of 2022. Initial launch delayed due to COVID and a lack of opportunities where volunteers are required.



Delivering on efficient and effective project

management and

Complete the functional redesign of the City Manager Office Completed Q4 2019.

Ongoing refinement of CMO office design integrated into DEOO process.







City Manager Objectives: Existing per V2F  

Key Strategic Actions

Revised Target




accountable corporate












Ensuring efficient, effective, and economical service delivery






Initiate a corporate-wide service review program and incorporate annual CM expenditure savings target(s).

Phase 1 completed Q4 2019 of Provincial Audit and Accountability review for City leaf collection, corporate fleet, winter maintenance, and pre-building permit development approval process service delivery functions

Phase 2 of Provincial Audit and Accountability review underway for By-Law and other City enforcement services with completion planned for Q4 2021

Design and development of corporate-wide service review program in progress. Revised target dates to be confirmed working with ED – Strategy, Risk and




Ensuring that strategic initiatives and corporate projects are resourced and



Deliver on time, on budget and achieve realized benefits for major corporate technology projects

Ongoing corporate IT project updates provided quarterly to CSSRA in 2020 and 2021 for projects identified in V2F items 5.034, 5.035











Enhancing City services and delivery of citizen self- service options through technology





Implementation of CRM system (Customer Relationship Management) including integration of customer service channels and self-help on-line knowledge base functionality.








2022 Q4

CRM successfully launched in Transit department in May and Roads, Parks and Forestry department launch in September 2021. Through the next year we will be operationalizing the CRM and preparing necessary operating budget request for 2023. Capital budget request submitted to ensure we have the resources to continue implementation. This includes working with Building and By-law Enforcement implementation in 2022 and beginning discussion with Recreation Community and Culture on implementation starting the end of 2022. Continued implementations are subject to COVID-19 delays and related customer service impacts to




Increasing community and customer input into how the city delivers services Conduct a community-wide survey every two years, starting in fall 2019 to determine if residents feel they are being engaged and are part of the City’s decision-making

process and based on established municipal norms,


Community survey completed in Fall 2019 and Fall 2021. Process in place to complete survey every two years.







City Manager Objectives: Existing per V2F  

Key Strategic Actions

Revised Target




including quality of life, city programs and services, value

for taxes and governance





Enhancing and emphasizing a customer first approach in all city service areas


Implementation of a one stop customer service counter on first floor of City Hall for the City Development Services and Service Burlington

Design is in process along with aligning the development service functions that can be accommodated within the space. The use of technology and the implementation of a hybrid work environment has informed the final

design. Construction to start in Q1 2022.




Delivering on efficient and effective project management and accountable corporate performance  

Develop corporate performance measures and a citizen dashboard to communicate the progress of the corporate workplan

While corporate performance measures have not been identified, the V2F integrated reporting tool was introduced to Council and is expected to be made available to the public during 2022. As performance measures are identified, they will be included in the

reporting tool.




Delivering on efficient and effective project management and accountable corporate



Develop a monitoring tracking and reporting process for corporate continuous improvement and major corporate initiatives


Work on this objective and strategic action will commence in conjunction with non-union JE process underway. Timing for completion planned for Q3 2022.











Increasing community and customer input into how the city delivers services




Enhancing and emphasizing a customer service approach in all city service area

Develop an integrated Customer Experience Vision, Strategy, and Implementation plan.


Note this strategic action replaces the previous strategic actions 5.15 and 5.151 below included in July 2019 version of V2F


5.15 – Communicate and engage staff and customers in implementation of the launch and cultivate phases of the Service Brilliance Corporate Customer Service Strategy


5.151 – Identify and deliver convenient community-based service options


Council received a detailed presentation on the CX strategy and implementation plan in Q2 2021 with completion of CX implementation planned for Q4 2022


Effective Q1 2021, the CX leadership team has been established to oversee the implementation of the CX plan.


The City Manager is currently examining options for organizational design change to support and enhance CX alignment and intergration with Q2 expected update to Council.



Increasing employee engagement and workplace culture scores  

Conduct employee surveys to measure staff engagement and staff awareness of City goals and objectives

The city conducts a workplace culture employee survey every two years with the most recent interim pulse check recently conducted in Jan 2021. The results of the

survey have been provided directly with all BLT members







City Manager Objectives: Existing per V2F  

Key Strategic Actions

Revised Target




to share with departmental staff directly. The City Manager has also communicated with all staff directly in Q1 2021 on the survey results and next steps

This objective and strategic action is now captured in City Manager’s new objective 1 (refer to Table #1) and will be a priority for implementation and ongoing reporting to Council and all staff in 2021 and 2022






Diversifying the employee demographics that participate in engagement activities



Employ a range of communication and engagement tactics to attract diverse city employee demographics

This initiative is related directly to item 5.08 – Complete and implement a diversity and inclusivity program for Burlington which is being led by the Executive Director of Human Resources. The City Manager intends to participate actively in the development of a corporate diversity and inclusion program in 2021 and 2022 with a

specific focus on employee diversity.







On Track



Needs Attention



Not Yet Started




Off Track or At Risk




Summary of Key Outcomes

Council Standing Committee: CSSRA and Audit

Item # Strategic Management Item 2020 Actual 2021 Actual 2022 Planned – TBC
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
1 Council Procedural By-law Updates
2 2022 Budget approval by Council: Capital and Operating
3 2023 Budget approval by Council: Capital and Operating
4 City service information sessions (pre-budget)
5 Annual internal audit work plan and IC reports (KPIs Audit Committee TOR, Internal Audit Charter)
6 Annual external audit work plan and reports to Audit committee
7 City of Burlington bi-annual community attitudes survey – report
8 Major corporate project updates and risk assessments (ERP, EAMS, CRM)
9 Council advisory committee review and updates including work plans/budget
10 Presentation of Year-end financial statements, surplus confirmation and retained savings
11 Burlington Hydro/Burlington Enterprises Corporation – Business Plan report approvals
12 Quarterly litigation report (closed session)
13 Corporate strategic planning – high level work plan and Council updates/workshops
14 City Council Vision to Focus (V2F) Work Plan – integrated status reporting and plan updates
15 City of Burlington 25 Year Strategic Plan Update/Risk Assessment
16 COVID 19 emergency response strategy and service redesign process; Note: monthly service redesign

updates (presentations and recommendations) completed April 2020 – June 2021

17 COVID 19 financial update including Safe Restart/other Senior Government funding confirmation
18 Major financial policy review and recommendations (debt, reserves/reserve funds, investment and


19 Diversity and inclusion program update
20 Multi-year budget framework/integrated business planning approval and pre-consultation with


21 Designing and evolving our organization update and ongoing approvals
22 Risk governance framework and enterprise risk strategy (includes workshops and approvals)
23 Pending legislation consultation/recommendations to Council (Bill 197) – Updated DC, Park

Dedication and Community Benefits strategy

24 Corporate accountability and transparency measures report
25 Customer experience (CX) implementation plan and updates







On Track



Needs Attention



Not Yet Started




Off Track or At Risk




Summary of Key Outcomes

Council Standing Committee: CSSRA and Audit

26 Cyber Security Strategy – update to Joint CSSRA/Audit
27 Corporate Employee Safety and Wellness Update – annual update
28 Human Resources – Annual strategic risks – update
29 Human Resources – Leadership team member recruitment process (City Clerk, City Auditor, CIO)
30 City of Burlington Lobbyist Registry
31 City of Burlington 2022 Municipal Election Symposium and Planning Reports
32 City of Burlington Public Appointments Policy
33 City of Burlington Information Management Strategy and Policy
34 City of Burlington Council Renumeration Review Working Group Report (2018 – 2022 Council Term)
35 City of Burlington Delegated Authority By-law Update







On Track



Needs Attention



Not Yet Started




Off Track or At Risk




Summary of Key Outcomes Council Standing Committee: CPRM

Item # Strategic Management and Corporate Governance Items 2020 Actual 2021 Actual 2022 Planned
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
36 Interim control by-law (ICBL) study approval
37 BEDC strategic plan update and annual priorities
38 Housing and Development Liaison Committee review and terms of reference
39 Integrated Mobility Plan updates and approvals
40 Mayor’s Red Tape Red Carpet initiative quarterly update
41 Pending legislation consultation/recommendations to Council (Bill 108)
42 COVID 19 Emergency Response Strategy related (BERN approval)
43 Major community planning policy review and recommendations (wind and shadow study)
44 BEDC Governance Review
45 Burlington Lands Partnership new structure – approval including reporting on Strategic Land Projects
46 Burlington Downtown UGC and MTSA designations – review and recommendations
47 Halton Region Official Plan (ROPA 48) related reports and recommendations including discussion


48 Scoped re-examination of Burlington Downtown – Official Plan modifications
49 Burlington Transit 5-Year Business Plan – approval
50 Brownfield Community Improvement Strategy – approval in principle and implementation next steps
51 Halton Region Integrated Growth Plan – updates and recommendations re: discussion paper
52 City of Burlington Housing Strategy (TOR and stakeholder engagement)
53 City of Burlington Housing Strategy (Needs and Opportunities Report, Inclusionary Zoning, Surplus

School Strategy, and Final Housing Strategy Report)

54 City of Burlington Cycling Plan
55 City Speed Limit Policy – update
56 MTSA area specific planning process – reports and recommendations
57 Human Resources – Leadership team member recruitment process (Director of CP, Director of

Transportation, Executive Director of CPRM)

58 Sustainable Building and Development Guidelines Policy Report
59 Development Application Fee Review







On Track



Needs Attention



Not Yet Started




Off Track or At Risk




Summary of Key Outcomes Council Standing Committee: EICS

Item # Strategic Management Item 2020 Actual 2021 Actual 2022 Planned
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
60 Climate Action Plan – updates and approvals (includes Climate Mitigation Plan, Climate Adaptation

Plan and Deep Energy Retrofit)

61 Private Tree By-law – approval and annual updates/review
62 Corporate Tree Protection and Enhancement Policy
63 Policy Framework for Community Recreation – approval
64 Storm Water Design Policy Guidelines – updates and approval
65 Construction Management and Mobility Plan – update and approval (includes low density residential)
66 Corporate Energy and Emissions Management Plan – update and approval
66 Burlington Fire Master – updates and approvals
67 Corporate Asset Management Program and Financing Plan – updates and approvals
68 Tyandaga Golf Course Review – approval
69 Cootes to Escarpment Strategic Plan and Eco Park Management Plan
70 Parks Master Plan – updates and approvals incl. P1 land provisioning
71 New Skyway Community Centre – project update
72 City Hall One-Window Design – updates and approvals (RTRC related)
73 Community Recreation Facilities Needs Assessment and Master Plan – updates and approvals
74 Community Facility Joint Venture Policy – review and approvals
75 Human Resources – Leadership team member recruitment process (Directors of RPF and Engineering

Services, Fire Chief)

76 Winter Control Service and Policy Update
77 City of Burlington Park Dedication Policy Review (includes cash-in-lieu rates)


Table 2: Summary of Council Key Outcomes 2020 – 2022 Planned












































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1 comment to V2F – Vision to Focus: the Waterfront hotel mess rests with the city manager and this council

  • We all surely know by now that city surveys serve city senior staff and council purposes. Anne assisted in the design of surveys when employed at McMaster Medical Centre and then Chedoke McMaster Hospitals from 75 – 93. They were a very useful Patient Care Committee tool in terms of improving patient care covering a huge range of subjects that affect patient care and the quickest discharge possible.

    They were a lot more useful than the last two decades of city surveys produced by those who sell them to those who want to look good. Professionally prepared surveys will be gone from the City of Burlington if Anne ever gets to wear the Mayor`s chain of office. Instead there will be webcast agendaless meetings that let taxpayers register to delegate (in person or via zoom) for between 5 – 10 minutes on what they believe is a need within the city or is a means of improvement on what we have. Maximum of ten per meeting. The next month this will be part of a meeting with an agenda that sees the matter addressed by the particular Ward Councillor or Mayor if relevant to the whole city, as to whether it is received and filed or is on a follow up list in terms of feasibility as it meets the criteria for improved service or facilities. Municipal elections are to select from candidates those who it is believed will best serve the community in terms of what is best for the community and meet its needs. We believe professional surveys are redundant if the elected do the job as they should.