What is open - what is not open: Who do you call if there is a coyote problem ?

By Staff

April 5th, 2023



Another holiday, a big one on the Christian calendar; taking place at the same time as our Muslim friends celebrate Ramadan.

Interesting that the Christian world has basically given up on the role of the church while the Muslim world is showing itself to be both active and very healthy.

While we ponder our personal spiritual worlds – the city moves into a basically closed mode. Given that the coyotes and denning the ability to call Animal Services to report a coyote problem is very limited. Forget about Service Burlington.

Here is what is open and what is not open from the 7th to the 10th.

With the gift of some nice weather we should be able to get out and enjoy ourselves.


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1 comment to What is open – what is not open: Who do you call if there is a coyote problem ?

  • Penny Hersh

    Let’s not forget that while Christians celebrate Easter and Muslims celebrate Ramadan, there are those of the Jewish faith that are celebrating Passover.