September 30th, 2024
What is the Alinea Corporation?
The biggest land owner in the Region with huge holding in Hamilton and Waterdown.
At the moment they are focused on the King Road development which has huge potential. Lou Frapporti, a lawyer with Gowlings is the lead speaker for Alinea . He comes close to walking on water for the corporation.
Paul Paletta is the President of Alinea ; a number of years ago there was a difference between Paul and Angelo, two of the four brothers who are part of the family. When Pat Paletta died on February 6th, in his 88th year, the differences began to come to the surface.
Paul’s skills began to become evident resulting in a finely tunes group that includes Dave Pitblado who does a lot of the essential on the ground work. He is overseeing the rehabilitation of what was once the head office of Paletta International that was seriously damaged in the December 6th, 2017 fire.

Engineers have stripped away what was left of the front of the then head office of Paletta International as they prepare to put in new offices and redevelop the 18 acre site.
Fraporti recently got two members of council to sing their praises for the King Road development – many thought that the members of Council were in place to protect the interests of the city and to give close gimlet eyed look at every development: the bigger the development the more detailed the look.
Council members are required to withhold their views and opinion until all the evidence is in place.
The Alinea holdings are extensive. Shown below are some of the properties that are in various stages of development.

From the left: Waterdown where single family homes are part of a large development; 1200 King Road where the holding are between 403 and the Rail lines – they extend to the Aldershot GO station; Eagle Height, a development that has been on hold for decades; Bronte Meadows which will probably be the first of these four holdings that are in Burlington to be developed. There are reasons to believe that partnerships on what will be built are already in place.
These are important developments. Added to those already mentioned there is a development proposal on Fairview that stunned area residents when the saw the very rough, somewhat limited renderings. The event drew very negative responses. The impression seemed to be Alinea trying out a development possibility and seeing what the public reaction was – it wasn’t very good and will probably not proceed as it was presented – but Alinea owns the land and the city needs housing.
This one, located in ward 4, needs a close eye.
Related news story:
The monster of a development in ward 4

Over 80% of all land in Canada is still crown owned. I believe Canada has the lowest population density of any country.
Seems to me if we really wanted affordable housing land could be sold off at bargain prices with enforced building requirements.
Drop some of the overreach HST grab and even our grandchildren might be able to afford shelter. We need much less government all levels.
I will hold my comments on Alinea as I don’t want to be sued.
I have lived here for more than seven decades and loved ever day .The future is a tragedy for my grandkids.This is a huge country with tons of space .It is not nessesary to cram more homes into places like Burlington.Why don’t these new politicians just say “No thanks we are full”.