What is the most fascinating thing you learned this year ?

By Pepper Parr

December 29th, 2023



What is the one thing you learned so far this year that fascinated you the most?

While listening to Bob McDonald of Quirks and Quarks on CBC Radio I heard a population expert say that the first person to reach the age of 150 in Canada has already been born.

Use the comments section to share what you learned.

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1 comment to What is the most fascinating thing you learned this year ?

  • David

    My original most ‘fascinating thing I learnt in 2023’ was that someone still actually listens to the CBC over their radio (wireless).

    But fascinating to me is how people, myself included, deal with things that are out of our control but will increasingly and eventually effect all of us.

    Over the last 192,000 years there has been 109 billion people who have lived and died on this planet the current population today is 7.9 billion.
    The maximum population that can be sustained by our planet is apparently 9.8 billion.
    Disease has been responsible for the majority of deaths on this planet but death rates from disease have fallen dramatically over the latter years.
    War and conflict according to the numbers have contributed very little to global deaths.
    Where should our focus on survival really be in 2024?