What Would You Want to see in Bronte meadows?

By Staff

November 11th, 2024



The future use of Bronte Creek Meadows (BCM) will be changing. This area has one property owner.

Burlington City Council has directed staff to create a vision and policy framework for Bronte Creek Meadows. This area will be a new community with a mix of uses, such as homes, transit, businesses, parks and open spaces to support population and employment growth. We want to hear from you to help us prepare the policies that will guide the review of the land owner’s development proposal when it’s submitted to the City.

To learn more about the project visit getinvolvedburlington.ca/officialplan or email staff at newop@burlington.ca.


This survey is open until Nov. 13, 2024

This survey doesn’t intend to collect personal information and disclosure of responses will be governed by the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.56. The purpose of this survey is to collect feedback on the plans for Bronte Creek Meadows. For questions regarding the collection, use and disclosure of this information, please contact newop@burlington.ca. The survey is available in print, alternative formats or with communication support by contacting getinvolved@burlington.ca

Vision for the Future of Bronte Creek Meadows:

The plan for Bronte Creek Meadows neighbourhood is a complete mixed-use community with:

  • Different types of housing
  • Transit and ways to get around
  • Business and retail space
  • Parks and open spaces

As you think about a future plan for Bronte Creek Meadows, we want to know what is important to you

Planning for a Complete Community

A complete community is a neighbourhood where many amenities are close by, maybe even in walking distance. It has everything a person would need for daily living, for all ages and abilities. This includes jobs, housing, transportation, public service facilities, and local stores and services. Complete communities are inclusive and come in different shapes and forms to meet the diverse needs of their residents (Provincial Policy Statement, 2024).

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1 comment to What Would You Want to see in Bronte Meadows?

  • Perryb

    Education is not mentioned in this report, and some current developments already warn that access to schools will be problematic. When will the Board of Education be required to synchronize with other planning activities?