December 12th, 2024
This article first appeared in the Comments section of the Gazette.
The Mayor and Councillor Nisan talk about “respect”. In their rarefied and genteel environment, respect is characterized by universal agreement, nuanced communications, tacit agreement and blind acquiescence. What they can’t comprehend is that respect cuts two ways.
“Respect” also means acknowledging and recognizing that not everyone will agree with you 100% of the time. It means actually listening to what is being said during delegations, and not paying “lip service”. It means hearing not just the words but the intent of what is being said by those delegating. It means Councillors who actually look at those delegating rather than texting on their phones. It means city officials who actually check information to ensure it is accurate before releasing it to the public.
It is being transparent enough, and open enough, to acknowledge that there is a clear and distinct difference between a blended property tax rate and the rate of increase that the city is directly responsible for.
It means responding in a timely manner to citizen questions, and not having to be constantly reminded repeatedly of the need to do so (remember Jim Barnett’s delegation? I do. Of course, I and others were actually listening).
Lost in this maelstrom is the fact that Eric Stern presented 14 pages of costs savings and possible reductions that the city could initiate. Who at city hall is investigating that, and who is following up to see if any of these ideas are researched and investigated? Answer: probably no one. Silence. Crickets. Something else is falling through the cracks.
If MMW and this Council want “respect” they might actually try practicing it first and setting an example before preaching about it so sanctimoniously and upbraiding those with the courage to disagree.
Stephen White teaches at a community college and has been active in the community for decades.
I agree with the author. The reality is though, the only means to get respect from elected officials, is not to elect them. With such poor voter turn out for municipal elections, well for that matter any election … we get what we deserve.
What a pathetic hypocrite our Mayor has become !!! Why is ok for her to berate Ward 4 Councillor Shawna Stoltes but citizens cannot question the poor performance of Councillor Rory Nisan?
I am in total agreement with Stephen’s comments! The double standard that is practiced by the Mayor and Councillors should not be tolerated by the residents of Burlington.
To another on the mark comment of Stephen White.
On matters that bring out delegations, are usually already getting inflamed, or are past contentious argument on facts and values. That’s where Council is already often dug in, and citizens are getting justifiably angry and have lost any trust and respect they ever had in Council, at least on the matters of that issue.
That’s when the citizen assumption from the start, that the Council is not already decided on the matter, and they care for no further hearing about contentious citizen points about Council errors, and what citizens want, and getting frustrated with realizing that Council has all the power, and citizens have no real power, which is the ability to achieve intended effects.
So, justifiably, with the decision made, citizens get justifiably upset, and especially if they are highly prepared with competent arguments, Council further entrenches, and demands that citizens “watch your language” and “mind your manners”.
This is an unjustified assumption by Council, that they are entitled, or deserving of respect, or other entitlements, in return for for treating citizens shabbily, with disrespect, and then demanding citizens to not show them what they really think, with words the Council picks.
They really don’t care what citizens want, and what they say, why they think it’s best for them – it’s their money Council is spending, more and more of.
Council has the power, as said, to achieve what they intend to do at the end of the day. They don’t want to hear what you really think about it or why you are concerned.
None of them admits any difference with this. Only some practice exercises in projecting narratives, blaming it all on the victims.
They are self-holy hypocrites, without controls except elections. Remember!
In my experience people who act like that often lack self confidence and resort to their position of power.We as citizens are somewhat to blame since we don’t know enough about new candidates when we cast our votes.
Totally agree with you.
Did you read the Hamilton Spectator today where our mayor has an entire article chastising Joan Little for asking the question is “Democracy dead in Burlington”?
This speaks volumes. This mayor will accept no suggested criticism without fighting back.