Working through what they want to study next is going to be virtual for HDSB grade 9 students

News 100 blueBy Staff

November 27th, 2020



A question that might be asked is – how much more of the direction, education and guidance for students will be delivered virtually?

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Students in a cooking class – part of the Pathway offerings.

The Halton District School Board will be holding a A Future that Fits pathways virtual event on Thursday, Dec. 3 from 1:30-2:45 p.m. for Grade 10 students. It will be hosted on a dedicated website and students will attend virtually as part of their regularly scheduled afternoon class.

A Future that Fits encourages HDSB Grade 10 students to explore a variety of career and Pathway program possibilities. Students will be able to interact with teachers in different sessions, view pop-up testimonial videos from former students and explore various program brochures.

Hunt Gibbons

Superintendent Julia Hunt Gibbons explaining a program to a student at an event where real people talked to real people.

“Attending this event will provide students with an opportunity to explore career areas that interest them and engage in meaningful conversations with program leaders,” says Julie Hunt Gibbons, Superintendent of Education with the Halton District School Board. “The aim is to create an awareness of the wide range of pathway planning opportunities for students in Halton high schools.”

The event keynote speaker will be entrepreneur/youth coach Sam Demma. Through his message, he will empower students to explore the many pathways opportunities HDSB has to offer and will emphasize the importance of pathway planning and incorporating a philosophy of the power of ‘small consistent actions’.

The keynote speaker will be followed by approximately 60 breakout rooms where students will interact with the HDSB teacher leads of the programs available. There will be three breakout sessions lasting 20 minutes each. The lead of each program will explain the opportunities and advantages of the special programs and allow time for student questions.

The HDSB offers more than 60 Specialist High Skills Major programs (SHSM), the concentrated Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP), and other specialty programs in high schools throughout Halton.

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