Crime Stoppers set a new record - more than 1000 tips called in so far this year. That is good news - isn't it?

Crime 100By Staff

December 7, 2015


A sign of the times?

It is certainly news- Halton Crime Stoppers received more than 1,000 tips so far this calendar year – and it isn’t over yet.

The 1,000 mark was reached in mid-November and more than 100 additional tips have been received since then on a variety of unsolved crimes in the area. From 2012 to 2014 Halton Crime Stoppers recorded roughly 900 tips per year.

CS_LogoDetective Constable Paul Proteau, coordinator of Halton’s Crime Stoppers program, said various promotional campaigns throughout 2015, including public service announcements in Cineplex theatres this past summer and efforts to acquaint high school students with Crime Stoppers, have greatly improved awareness of the program.

“Statistics show an increased number of tips almost every month from last year’s figures with a record161 tips received in June,” Proteau said. “People obviously have confidence in the Crime Stoppers program and it is through information they provide anonymously that an increasing number of crimes are being solved.”

Because of the confidential nature of Crime Stoppers, he said it’s impossible to be specific, but the program has received calls related to homicides, drugs, sexual assaults, fraud, impaired driving, and thefts, just to name a few. Crime Stoppers also takes non-criminal information on driving offences, cruelty to animals, contraband tobacco and mental health.

Proteau said the program’s full year-end statistics will be released at the official launch of Crime Stoppers Month scheduled for January 11 at the Halton Region Centre.

At that time Halton Crime Stoppers will also highlight some of the partners from the police, media and community who have worked closely to ensure the success of the program to assist in keeping communities safe and secure.


Crime Stoppers - Keith Nakahara

Crime Stoppers get out into the community to meet the public and talk about the role they play.

Crime stoppers is just one of a number of media channels that are effective. The Crime Stoppers use of advertisements in theatres was a great idea – kudos to them for that one.

The Burlington Fugitive Friday feature is working so well that some of the people the police are looking for are calling in to surrender before they get featured in a media release.

Very recently – one fugitive’s lawyer asked if the media release in the gazette could be pulled – the lawyer was in the process of arranging for his client to meet with the police.

Even more recently there were two cell phone calls to police advising them of people driving in an erratic manner – police caught up with the drivers and arrests were made for driving while under the influence.

It is observant and vigilant citizens that make police work effective. Keep it up.

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