BMW to hard to break into - police officer smashes window to rescue two children.

Crime 100By Staff

August 22, 2014



There is a reason those BMW’s are as expensive as they are – not that easy to break into.

At around 3:30 pm, Friday August 22, a frantic mother of two young children (a 3 year old and a 15 month old) contacted Halton Regional Police immediately after accidentally locking her keys inside a BMW SUV while parked at the Walmart store at Brant and Fairview.


Unlocking these cars is easier said than done – police officer decides to break the window when tow truck driver cannot get into the car with two children locked inside.

The children were alert and not in any medical distress; a tow truck was called to assist in unlocking the vehicle. Not that easy to get into a locked BMW. The police office attending the call decided to break the window of the SUV to gain access.

The officer cut their arm and needed a trip to the hospital to get it bound up. The children did not sustain any injury and were found to be in good health. The officer who broke the window sustained superficial cuts to their arm and attended Joseph Brant Hospital for medical aid.

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