By Walter Byj
June 29th, 2015
School is out for the summer; both the students and the trustees will return in September.
The trustees can enjoy the summer and tend to the projects they will have to deal with – including the selection of a new Director of Education, David Euale retires at the end of August.
Upon their return, the trustees will have a new face at their initial meeting in September: Jacqueline Newton, currently the principal at Dr. Frank J Hayden Secondary School, has been appointed as the new Superintendent of Education filling the void of departing superintendent Yaw Obeng who will head a school district in Burlington Vermont. Newton will move into her office at the Board August 24th.
Smart appointment
The June 24th meeting was relatively quick as the following action items were ratified;
Program Viability Report
Truth and Reconciliation Report
Capital Priorities Report
Draft Policy-Trustee Expenses
Policy Schedule Amendment
There was brief discussion on the Program Viability Report with Associate Director of Education Miller reaffirming that this motion was still in the infant stages and that nothing would happen until thorough public consultation was completed.
The Board passed the following resolution which sets out the options as they are seen at this point in time. There is to be considerable public consultation on this matter before any decisions are made.
Be it resolved that the Halton District School Board present the following options for the delivery of French Immersion to the public in the Fall of 2015 for the purpose of receiving feedback, considerations and comments. Feedback will be brought to the Board for consideration in the delivery of French Immersion programming:
1. Option 1: Grade 1 (early) French immersion remains a 50% French 50% English delivery model, but entry to FI will be capped. The method of capping would be determined at a later date.
2. Option 2: Grade 1 (early) French Immersion remains at 50% French and 50% English, however all FI programs will be delivered in single track FI schools. French Immersion will be phased out of dual track schools and no new dual track schools will be considered. The location of the single track schools will be determined at a later date.
3. Option 3: French Immersion will commence at a later entry point (mid entry); Grade 4. This will result in the delivery model of FI moving from a 50% model to at least a 80% French Immersion model. In addition the delivery of FI will occur in dual track schools only.
4. Option 4: French Immersion will commence at a later entry point (mid entry); Grade 4. This will result in the delivery model of FI moving from a 50% model to at least a 80% French Immersion model. In addition the delivery of FI will occur in single track FI schools only.

Amy Collard

Leah Reynolds

Andrea Grebenc

Richelle Papin
Three of Burlington’s four school board trustees have completed the school season part of their first year in office. How have they done so far – what kind of a contribution have they made?
Spotty is the best way to describe what we have seen so far.
Harvey Hope (Oakville) insisted that the word “will” in the original motion be changed to “would”. She felt that “will” was too strong a word and should be changed to “would”. Flipping through my thesaurus, I found that would is the past tense of will but her fellow trustees approved the change. Perhaps our scholarly readers could impart some point of view on the correct word. Either way, this report will continue to be followed in depth in September. Details on the other motions will follow.
This was followed by G. Cullen (Superintendent of Facility Services) presented a report that reflected the current facility deficiencies at the administrative offices of the Halton board and the need for new facilities in the not too distant future. They are in the initial stages and further details will follow. The office would move to the best location possible; it could move out of Burlington. Any change is five years out.