Board of education wants your input on the next budget - they make it quick and easy.

News 100 yellowBy Pepper Parr

March 23, 2017



Spending as much as five minutes on what is normally the snooze of the season is not high on the things to do this week list for most people.

But the situation has changed and some people might actually want to spend some time on letting the Board of Education know what they think of the amount of money gets spent on education.

Parents and community members says the Board media release are encouraged to provide input on the 2017-2018 budget priorities. Input may be submitted online until Monday, April 17, 2017

They go on to say: The Halton District School Board values input from parents/guardians, members of the public, staff and students concerning the development of the 2017-2018 budget.

Individuals are encouraged to provide their input concerning the budget priorities for the upcoming school year online through the Halton District School Board website at Follow the link from the homepage or directly here. Input must be received by Monday, April 17, 2017.

Here is the direct link to the budget input page – get ready for a shock.  What you see below is it – one place to write some comments – click finish and you are done.  Part of the name in the url is “checkbox”   They seem to feel that they have asked for input – and having done that they can check off that box.

School board budget

This is the input page – nothing more. They do suggest in the media release that people might want to bone up on what the current policies are but they don’t provide easy to use direct links. The Board of Education web site is nothing to marvel at.

Before providing input, individuals are encouraged to review the Board’s Multi-Year Plan, Special Education Plan and Operational Plan. A key objective of the annual budget process is to align the Halton District School Board’s financial resources with these important documents. Information and updates regarding budget development are presented to Trustees at Committee of the Whole meetings.

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