Show Time ! Will she wear a top hat and tails and carry a cane ? Heatherington goes front and centre – releases BPAC line up.

By Pepper Parr

BURLINGTON, ON June 28, 2011 _ Soon, very, very soon – this Wednesday in fact Brenda Heatherington will go to the front of the room and give the public a Sneak Peak of the inaugural season for the Burlington Performing Arts Centre.

Expect the Burlington Teen Tour Band – but what else ? Drama? Jazz ? Concerts ? Heatherington has deep experience and an enviable reputation and did stellar work in Edmonton.

Brenda Heatherington, Ex Dir of BPAC is front and center now with the fall line up

Brenda Heatherington, Ex Dir of BPAC is front and center now with the fall line up

How will Heatherington find the balance between what the public will immediately like and buy tickets for and at the same time gently nudge a public that hasn’t had access to all that much culture: the bash em, smash em truck events in Hamilton don’t count.

Will we learn that local small theatre has taken to the new centre ? Will we learn that there is going to be a Nutcracker Suite this Christmas ? Last weekend there was a National Academy Orchestra out of Hamilton that put on a stunning performance of Beethoven’s Violin Concerto played by Laurence Kayaleh that played to a full house that had extra seats set up in the aisle at St. Christopher’s Anglican Church. The appetite for significant cultural events is certainly there – will the BPAC people fully understand their community and both cater to what they want and at the same time develop appetite for music and drama they’ve not heard or seen before.

Up until now all the city has heard is that the build of the Centre is “on budget and on time” and that we have to wait for the program to be announced.

And so now the moment has come. Let’s see what they can do.



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