Brand extension at The Different Drummer – Cottonwood amongst the bookshelves.

By Pepper Parr

BURLINGTON, ON June 2, 2012  It’s sort of like what the big marketing organizations do – they call it brand extension.  When you take a brand – say Tide, which every one knows is washing detergents with a very distinctive look and extend that brand say, into hand soap – always a tricky thing to do.

Ian Cameron over at Different Drummer Books is extending his brand from books, for which he is well known,  into music – small quintets, trios, quiet, dignified.  There will be no Silverstein at A Different Drummer Books, if you don’t mind.

Cottonwood Brass will play some material from the War of 1812 era, plus some of their usual fine work.

Sunday June 10, at 3:00 pm  The Cottonwood Brass will be doing pieces under the theme: “Brass from the Past”, it’s a session of rousing vintage music played on antique instruments.

Their repertoire includes two fascinating recently discovered pieces of local origin and a generous helping of music spanning the years from the War of 1812 to the early 20th century.

The artists are Graham Young and Ryan Baker on cornets,  Johnny Bissell on horn, Mary Ann Pearson on euphonium and Dave Pearson on tuba.

Tickets are $15, available here at A Different Drummer.  Refreshments will be served after the concert.

You can contact Ian at : (905) 639 0925 or to reserve.


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