Bureaucracy run amok

News 100 blueBy Staff

March 16th, 2021


Our apologies to the City Communications department.  The provenance of the article was attributed to the city.  That was incorrect.

The following was released this morning by the Mayor’s Covid19 Task Force.


The Burlington COVID-19 Task Force has been created to help support our community through this unprecedented emergency.

The Task Force will share information and mobilize community and agency resources to support our hospital and healthcare workers as we prepare for an anticipated surge of patients in the coming days and weeks and work through a recovery period, as well as coordinate our broader community efforts on COVID-19. Members will bring information and/or requests for assistance back to each of their own organizations and emergency response tables.

While this information-sharing and collaboration is already happening, the Task Force simply formalizes this effort and adds some structure as we collectively serve our community.

Membership includes community leaders and decision-makers representing various organizations and agencies involved in the COVID-19 response. New members may be added as the situation evolves. Each participant is likely to be a member of their own organization’s COVID-19 response group, with an ability to bring information from that table, where appropriate, to the Task Force, and vice versa.

Invitees are similar to the panelists on the Mayor’s recent public telephone town hall. Community response to that event was overwhelmingly positive, with residents specifically mentioning that they appreciated the assembled panel of cross-functional experts and leaders, and seeing the evidence of collaboration, sharing of information and coordinating of efforts to serve them.

meeting table

A table this size could not hold the Burlington Covid19 Task Force. Fortunately they meet virtually – more fortunate – many of them don’t show up.

Invited guests/organizations at this time:
Chair, Mayor Marianne Meed Ward
City of Burlington Emergency Control Group:
Burlington Fire Department:  Karen Roche, Deputy Fire Chief
Amber Rushton, Business Continuity and Emergency Planning CEMC
Dan VanderLelie, President, Burlington Professional Firefighters Association
City of Burlington: o Tim Commisso, City Manager,  Allan Magi, Executive Director of Environment, Infrastructure and Community Services,  Sandy O’Reilly, Controller and Manager of Financial Services.

City Council:
Ward 2 Councillor and Joseph Brant Hospital Board Member, Lisa Kearns
Ward 6 Councillor, business owner and past hospital fundraiser, Angelo Bentivegna
Joseph Brant Hospital: o Eric Vandewall, CEO and President,  Dr. Dale Kalina, Medical Director of Infectious Disease
Halton Regional Police Service:  Roger Wilkie, Deputy Chief of Police,  Superintendent Anthony Odoardi
Halton District School Board:  Stuart Miller, Director of Education
Halton Catholic District School Board , Pat Daly, Director of Education
Halton Region:  Lynne Simons, Senior Advisor to the CAO
Members of Parliament:  The Honourable Karina Gould, Minister of International Development, MP, Burlington
Pam Damoff, MP, Oakville-North Burlington,  Adam Van Koeverden, MP, Milton
Members of Provincial Parliament
Jane McKenna, MPP, Burlington,  Effie Triantafilopoulos, MPP, Oakville-North Burlington,  Parm Gill, MPP, Milton
TEAM Burlington:   Carla Nell, Burlington Chamber of Commerce,  Anita Cassidy, Burlington Economic Development,  Pam Belgrade, Tourism Burlington,  Brian Dean, Burlington Downtown Business Association,  Judy Worsley, Aldershot Business Improvement Area
Lita Barrie, CEO, Burlington Public Library
United Way Halton & Hamilton, Halton Poverty Roundtable,  Tyler Moon, Senior Manager, Community Impact
The Burlington Food Bank:  Robin Bailey, Executive Director
Burlington Hydro: o Gerry Smallegange, President & CEO
Reach Out Centre for Kids:  Kirsten Dougherty, Chief Executive Officer
Royal Hamilton Light Infantry:  Lieutenant Colonel and Commanding Officer Alex Colic
Diocese of Hamilton:  Rev. Rob Thomas, Chaplain, Burlington Fire Department
Halton Islamic Association,  Sr. Osob
NUVO Network, o Bridget and Shawn Saulnier, Owners
Burlington Foundation: o Colleen Mulholland, President and CEO
Food for Life,  Graham Hill, Executive Director

Meetings are expected to be one hour weekly, or more often as necessary, by teleconference chaired by the Mayor. With this large of a group, sometimes full attendance will not be possible. We will plan to send out a summary of each call the next day to all members, as well as post highlights here for the public to read.

Action Items and Meeting Minutes
• Burlington COVID-19 Task Force Meeting #19 – March 15, 2021 [PDF]
• Burlington COVID-19 Task Force Meeting #18 – Feb. 22, 2021 [PDF]
• Burlington COVID-19 Task Force Meeting #17 – Jan. 26, 2021 [PDF]
2020 Action Items and Meeting Minutes
• Burlington COVID-19 Task Force Meeting #16 – Dec. 3, 2020 [PDF]
• Burlington COVID-19 Task Force Meeting #15 – Oct. 29, 2020 [PDF]
• Burlington COVID-19 Task Force Meeting #14 – Oct. 1, 2020 [PDF]
• Burlington COVID-19 Task Force Meeting #13 – Aug. 26, 2020 [PDF]
• Burlington COVID-19 Task Force Meeting #12 – July 16, 2020 [PDF]
• Burlington COVID-19 Task Force Meeting #11 – June 25, 2020 [PDF]
• Burlington COVID-19 Task Force Meeting #10 – June 18, 2020 [PDF]
• Burlington COVID-19 Task Force Meeting #9 – June 4, 2020 [PDF]
• Burlington COVID-19 Task Force Meeting #8 – May 28, 2020 [PDF]
• Burlington COVID-19 Task Force Meeting #7 – May 21, 2020 [PDF]
• Burlington COVID-19 Task Force Meeting #6 – May 15, 2020 [PDF]
• Burlington COVID-19 Task Force Meeting #5 – May 7, 2020 [PDF]
• Burlington COVID-19 Task Force Meeting #4 – April 30, 2020 [PDF]
• Burlington COVID-19 Task Force Meeting #3 – April 23, 2020 [PDF]
• Burlington COVID-19 Task Force Meeting #2 – April 16, 2020 [PDF]
• Burlington COVID-19 Task Force Meeting #1 – April 7, 2020 [PDF]

This is the media release the city distributed. This is bureaucracy run amok

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3 comments to Bureaucracy run amok

  • Terence

    I would assume, based on the one-hour time allocation and the excessive number of attendees. that this is more of an informational meeting than a discussion meeting and as such it is difficult for me to comprehend its usefulness since an ‘internal’ email would be just as effective and far more efficient! But it is consistent with the mayor’s approach – visibility is power!

  • Diane Knox

    Sorry, but I still do not see a Rep for the “Aging in Place” Halton Seniors who, for many reasons, live in a NON DIGITAL WORLD, with no “trusted” computer ‘ Buddy, Neighbour, or Family’ in Halton. They are socially isolated now from churches, senior centers etc. and lacking information. They DO like Mail and Phone numbers when in Print, not auditory rapid numbers on Phone In Lines. We can do better in our communication to these long standing still contributing, once independent residents of Halton.
    Of course- 2 Vac sites in Halton all in the West end? Another challenge for this group. Other Regions have done a better job with multiple, mobile etc….
    Yes, 311 works- Well done -but they need to KNOW THIS
    Please Stop preaching Only to the Choir and expecting us to spread the Word. We cannot reach them all……
    Suggestion–for ANY of the Reps on this Panel–Some have free Postage
    . -A mail out to all houses, appt, condos taxpaying, residents with Phone info and clear instructions on this critical journey thro this Pandemic in Halton as it approaches Wave 3..


  • Alan Harrington

    Not sure what the problem is?

    A focus group met 19 times over the past year during an international health crisis.

    Various parties / representatives were invited to attend as the need arose?

    The online meeting ran one hour – and notes were sent out following day.

    Not sure what the problem is? Sounds like an intelligent plan. What am I missing?