Two Burlington residents want to see SLAPP legislation brought in.

News 100 redBy Pepper Parr

September 27, 2014



There are a couple of people in north Burlington who were delighted to learn that the provincial government is to re-introduce anti-SLAPP legislation.

In a statement issued yesterday the government said the Ministry of the Attorney General would pursue the re-introduction of legislation to protect the public from lawsuits intended to discourage public participation.

Stewart + Warren + Goulet + woodruff + Monte  + Blue

From the right: Monte Dennis, Ken Woodruff, Vanessa Warren, Roger Goulet, city general manager Scott Stewart. Lawyer Ian Blue, who defended the city in the Air Park case and staff lawyer Blake Hurley

SLAPP is a strategic lawsuit against public participation which is what Monte Dennis and Vanessa Warren believe Vince Rossi is doing to them with his $100,000 demand for exemplary damages for comments they made and words they wrote about the landfill dumping on the Air Park property and plans that may be made to the air park.

The provincial government wants to promote Fairness and Access to Justice by focusing on the delivery of legislative and systemic initiatives that promote fairness and access to the justice system for Ontarians.

For Dennis and Warren the matter has relevance. At this point in time there is no such thing as SLAPP legislation – they face a simple libel case.

Roger Goulet, a leading participant in the Rural Burlington Greenbelt Coalition (RBGC) wants everyone to get behind this change. What difference new legislation will make in the Dennis, Warren case is not clear – unless the legislation is made retroactive – which is highly unlikely.

The Gazette and its publisher were also sued for libel – they are not relying on the SLAPP argument as a defence.

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3 comments to Two Burlington residents want to see SLAPP legislation brought in.

  • Tony Pullin

    The problem is that the leaders of this province love SLAPP suits. Kathleen Wynne has one against Tim Hudac. Dalton Mcguinty illicited a front page apology from the Ottawa Citizen in lieu of litigation. All for being pushed to the edge of accountability (which of course is not forthcoming).
    Further, Proponents of Ontario “green energy” projects have SLAPPs against municipalities, townships and individuals. All in effort to push through flawed agendas that parallel some of the poor yet rigid decisions of the Ontario Government.
    I’d say more, but…

  • Kurt

    Let’s hope it passes in time to affect the current three Burlington libel suits. If it passes it should help remove the libel chill in our community.
    Thanks for the heads up Pepper.

  • Carl Stafford