Burlington's former Miss Canada has her sights set on the House of Commons - bye bye city hall.

News 100 yellowBy Pepper Parr

April 9, 2015


For all those folks in ward 6 who struggled to decide who they wanted to vote for – you’re going to get to do it again. Miss Canada is going to seek the federal Conservative nomination for the newly created North Burlington riding.

Ward 6 Councillor Blair Lancaster thinking through the answer to a question.  Tends to be cautious.

Ward 6 Councillor Blair Lancaster thinking through the answer to a question. Tends to be cautious.

Ward 6 Councillor Blair Lancaster has people out on the street organizing events for her. The Liberals are at a significant dis-advantage – the death of the Liberal nominee recently means they have to scramble to find someone with at least a bit of a profile to carry the torch and presumably ride Justin Trudeau’s coat tails to Parliament Hill.

A number of months ago we asked Lancaster if there was any truth to the calls we have received from readers that she was going to run for federal office. Lancaster denied she was thinking about leaving city council at that time.

The election date that is floating around for the next federal election is October 2015 – just over seven months away.


Pink work boots were a must for a former beauty queen.

The questions that will come to the surface when it becomes obvious she is going to run is – does she resign as soon as she announces – or does she hold her seat until the election is over?

There are no hard and fast rules – she doesn’t have to resign.

Can she continue to carry the work load at city hall and the Regional Council and fight a federal election as well – and continue to serve the breast cancer non-profit she heads up?

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10 comments to Burlington’s former Miss Canada has her sights set on the House of Commons – bye bye city hall.

  • Glenda Dodd

    Thank you New Age…..

    Hubris – yes describes Lancaster to a tee

  • New Age Carpetbagger

    Ms. Lancaster:

    What remarkable hubris. You have been by all accounts, and with every degree of charity, a mediocre representative for Ward 6. Now you believe that you are both qualified and competent to represent North Burlington on the federal level. Self-realization is obviously not one of your strengths.

  • Trinity

    I will join G. Stevenson in throwing that party!

  • G. Stevenson

    Please, oh please let her win by a landslide! I’ll even throw the farewell party!

  • Yvonne

    Sadly these so called “double dippers”are self absorbed and arrogant Residents in Ward 6 sadly voted her back in and now a higher office is a possibility,so let’s forget about Councillor duties and move on. Unbelievable !!!!! Hopefully she will not continue as Councillor and resign regardless of being a successful nominee for the ONB Conservative riding. Almost makes me want to becoming a Conservative member to vote at this long awaited nomination process.

  • Caren

    I can’t imagine it would be possible to be a city counsellor, run for a federal seat and be the head of a charity and do any of those things successfully. Perhaps the city is okay with mediocracy but I’d hope the Federal political arena and charitable regulation boards would expect much more. Citizens should never accept this much lack of focus from their representatives.

  • Mike Ettlewood

    I didn’t think that anything would make me vote Tory. Sadly, I was mistaken.

    • JQ Public

      Mike, I read it that she was running for the Liberal nomination too! I see that the Editor has just now made it clear it is for the Conservative nomination. Guess he got you on that one!

  • So let me get this straight. You’re saying she’s seeking the Liberal Nomination?
    Editor’s note: Interesting what a single word will do. We failed in insert the word “conservative” in front of the word nomination. A good on our part – they happen.