By Staff
November 4th, 2020
The Halton Regional Police Service (HRPS) has completed its 2020 Project #Noisemaker strategic enforcement campaign. The region-wide project ran from June 10, 2020 to October 31, 2020.
The campaign resulted in more than 1400 charges being laid.
The HRPS launched this campaign in response to complaints from residents across the region about loud and unnecessary noise from vehicles which have been altered by removing mufflers, or modifying exhaust systems. Project #Noisemaker took aim at illegal modifications, unsafe motor vehicles, and aggressive driving.
Enforcement through Project #Noisemaker resulted in the following:
• More than 1420 charges laid region-wide
• 574 charges for no/improper muffler
• 396 charges for unnecessary noise
• 12 racing/stunt driving charges
The remaining charges were primarily vehicle defects, moving violations, licence violations, licence plate violations, violations of the Compulsory Automobile Insurance Act, and violations of the Environmental Protection Act (removal of vehicle emissions components).
During the project, more than 40 vehicles were removed from the roadway for various reasons including defects (causing the vehicle to be unfit), improper licences and stunt driving legislation.
Project #Noisemaker was also successful in interrupting an unsanctioned “Mega Meet” of an estimated 800 vehicles which was to occur on private property in the town of Oakville without approval of the landowner.
In addition to the previously mentioned region-wide efforts, project #Noisemaker also engaged in a partnership with the town of Oakville Municipal Enforcement Service (MES). HRPS and MES officers conducted enforcement on motorcycles creating unacceptable noise in contravention of Oakville’s motorcycle noise bylaws. In total, MES officers completed 56 motorcycle inspections and issued 17 provincial offence notices for motorcycles causing noise in excess of the town bylaws.
Illegal and unsafe vehicle modifications are a concern beyond the roadways of Halton. The HRPS would like to thank our policing and enforcement partners across the province that assisted in various #Noisemaker projects. These efforts contribute to safer roadways for us all.
While Project #Noisemaker has officially concluded for 2020, enforcement will not cease. HRPS officers will remain vigilant in addressing these issues on our roadways every day.
Residents are reminded that they can file driving complaints or request enforcement of a particular area online at
@Rob n The ratio of cars to motorcycles on the road far exceeds your 7-1 calculations. Put that in your exhaust pipe and smoke it :p
Ah geez, I’ve been challenged.
now I need to check my numbers…
Turns out I DID need that extra hour of sleep. My on the fly calculations were off. Big time (to quote Dick Cheney).
17 divided by 1,420 times 100 equals 1.197%
Less than 1.2% of noise infractions caused by motorcycles.
Bikes rule! Pedal and motor…
Smoking my pipe now…
(I couldn’t find a pipe icon. Does anyone know where to find a pipe icon? Or even a REAL pipe? Does anyone still smoke pipes?)
17 noise infractions against motorcycles.
1,403 against cars.
I recall the bylaw was enacted a few years ago to curb motorcycle noise. Turns out it’s mainly cars making the noise. By a factor of 7 to 1. Quit blaming the motorcycles!
… Now if there was a bylaw against Vehicles, mainly pickup trucks, having ginormous tires extending beyond the wheel well. That would save my car windshield from getting hit by stones thrown by those tires. And it would save my body from getting hit by the stones when I’m out on my bicycle or walking. To say nothing of the obscuring water showers produced by those vehicles to obscure everybody’s vision after it rains.
This is a real Safety problem.
If the truck owner can spend 500 bucks per oversize tire, plus more for the oversized rim, they should budget some extra coin for some some body modifications so we don’t need to drive in their road debris shower.
… oh and those coloured license plate covers that obscure the license plate so it can’t be read. What’s the purpose of that? If you want to save your license plate from damage (is that the reason?), get a clear plate cover. This is a small problem.
If there are bylaws or legislation against that, enforce them.
… and what about people walking on the road with traffic with headphones on? They’re totally oblivious to anything around them. Where did they learn that brilliant activity?
… and Cyclist riding against traffic! Crazy man!
Sorry for the rant. Waking up way too early with the time change. This was the most productive thing I could do with 10 minutes. 😉