Can Ontario Mayors put enough pressure on the Premier to bring about some kind of a roll back on Bill 108?

News 100 blueBy Pepper Parr

June 19th, 2019



Do you remember what happened to the van that the Premier wanted outfitted with a mini-fridge and a leather couch? The blow back was pretty fierce and the Premier has had to do with staff driving him about in an SUV.

Ford and OPP commizsionerAnd then there was the friend that the Premier wanted to appoint as Commissioner of the Ontario Provincial Police. The blow back on that one was even fiercer. Someone else got that job.

Buck a beerBuck a beer fell off the radar screen.

The plans to limit the support parents with autistic children got was also changed after the public stood up and said – not for us.

The current elephant in the room is Bill 108 which threatens to cripple and have a devastating impact on how municipalities deal with the services they are expected to deliver.

We learned on Monday that Mayor Meed Ward was to take part in a conference call with the Minister of Municipalities and Housing – he is said to want to hear is what the municipalities don’t like and what they are proposing in the way of changes.

City Manager Tim Commisso was to take part in the conference call.

The Bill was introduced to the Legislature and passed and made law in less than 40 days.

The municipal sector was gob smacked, stunned and in a state of shock.

The Bill would make it close to impossible for the municipal sector to do their jobs the way they believe the public wants.

No word yet on what was said during the conference call.

But the pressure is building and we now know that this Premier will buckle – so keep up the pressure.

Summer is when the municipal politicians meet with their federal and provincial counter parts. The pressure on the provincial government at the AMO (Association of Municipalities of Ontario) conference will be immense.

Related news stories:

What Bill 108 will do to us.

Hersh on what Bill 108 could do to Burlington

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