City gets an injunction against 'party house' and recovers costs as well. Kudos for that win.

News 100 yellowBy Staff

February 4th, 2020



The city announced earlier today that its Legal Services department was successful in obtaining a permanent injunction against homeowners operating a commercial ‘party house’ in a residential area on Lakeshore Road near Goodram Drive in contravention of the City’s zoning bylaw.

Lakeshore party house

Wild parties, noises that went well into the early mornings. By law enforcement found their hands tied – a Judge untied them and gave the city a permanent injunction.

The City had received numerous complaints about the property being rented for parties, weddings and other events. These events caused residents in the area great amounts of stress and denied them the normal enjoyment of their neighbourhood.

The order obtained by the City prohibits the use of the property for commercial purposes or otherwise in a manner not permitted by City’s zoning bylaw. The City was also awarded costs in favour of $9500.

The order is subject to a 30-day appeal period.

When the City receives bylaw enforcement related complaints, City staff review and investigate the complaint.

If it is determined that a bylaw infraction has occurred, then City staff begin by working with the property owner to gain compliance, educate the property owner and to ensure it doesn’t occur again.

The vast majority of complaints are dealt with in this manner

In instances where an agreement can’t be reached with the property owner(s) to gain compliance or there are repeat violations, the City may lay charges under the appropriate bylaw or seek to obtain compliance through other means, which may involve Superior Court proceedings, where appropriate.

The City receives over 4000 bylaw related complaints a year.

Dev fee guy STAFF

Nick Anastasopoulos, Director, Building & By-Law

Nick Anastasopoulos, Director, Building & By-Law, the man who has to handle those 4000 complaints said he was “very pleased with the outcome of the hearing. Residents can rest assured that the City will act when homeowners use their residences for commercial purposes such as banquets and other events that are not permitted under the City’s Zoning By-Law.

Stolte - the chairSuch uses consequently have a severe impact on residents and their neighbourhoods and it’s our responsibility to prevent that from occurring. City staff in Legal Services and our By-Law enforcement team worked closely with the Ward Councillor Shawna Stolte and residents to help bring about this successful outcome.”

Related news stories:

City tries to take action.

Police shut the house down

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