City Hall wants to know how you want to engage with them.

News 100 blueBy Pepper Parr

January 18th, 2021



City Hall wants to hear from residents about how they would like to participate in engagements lead by the City and what topics they are interested in engaging on.

Grpw Bold - community engagement

The city looks for every avenue available to let the taxpayers know that they want them to be involved in the decision making process. The screen shown was in a Tim Hortons

Since the pandemic started, the City has offered virtual engagement opportunities as well as telephone and online town halls. The City wants to know from residents what their virtual meeting comfort-ability level is – and how likely they are to attend in-person meetings once it is safe to do so.

The engagement survey is now open and will close on Feb. 5, 2021. Residents can fill out the short survey right HERE

We have been down this road before.

Engagement Quick Facts
• In 2013, the Burlington Community Engagement Charter was approved and represents a partnership between the city and its citizens. The Charter is an agreement between and among Burlington City Council and the citizens of Burlington concerning citizen engagement with city government that establishes the commitment, responsibilities, and fundamental concepts of this relationship.

• In 2018, the City launched the online engagement site called that allows people to contribute their ideas and feedback on municipal issues and projects important to them.

• Residents can subscribe to the GetInvolved Burlington calendar to receive the latest City meetings and event information. Residents can also submit a community calendar event that meets the criteria and can visit for submission information.

• Engagement is an important part of the City’s regular operations and is one of the four strategic directions of the City’s 25-year strategic plan. Part of focus area 4 in the City’s 2018-2022 Plan: From Vision to Focus is also building more citizen engagement.



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2 comments to City Hall wants to know how you want to engage with them.

  • Penny Hersh

    Enough is Enough…..another attempt to engage residents that will end up going nowhere.

    Just ask the residents involved in the last “waste of time” to revamp the City Advisory Committees.

  • Joseph A Gaetan

    Engagement lead by the city? Really? I am trying to envision Jane Jacobs taking on the NYC bureaucracy under this charter. Wake up Burlington.