By Pepper Parr
April 13, 2015
When Brian Dean, president of the Burlington Downtown Business Association asked the city to expand his boundaries local merchants in the expanded territory didn’t exactly line up to fill out membership forms. On the contrary – a couple wrote letter and one delegated at city council saying they didn’t like the idea at all.
Then Jeff Usher came along and announced that Burlington Square Plaza (BSP) was so keen on the idea that they were going to expand the Plaza and add a four storey structure to the south end and make major changes to the retail level in the core structure.
In doing so – Cherishome Living, the company that owns the apartment tower, might well create a new anchor for the expanded BDBA territory. There isn’t an awful lot to choose from when a person wanting to get out for a meal or a chance to sit out on a patio and just enjoy the city.
Usher sees a significant opportunity for a restaurant to set up a sizable plaza area outside the new addition.
Ward 2 Councillor Marianne Meed Ward was all a flutter over the development because it was going to build within the applicable zoning and not ask city council for additional height.
Because the development is within all the rules – all they have to do is take their application to city hall, file all the papers, pay the fees and they get their building permit.
Meed Ward will be holding a public meeting on the 15th to tell everyone about it and show off the architects rendering.
Cherishome Living was formerly McArthur Properties. The rental agent for the Burlington Square apartments will changed – the firm being brought in has more experience with commercial and residential
The commercial side of the Plaza has not done as well as hoped – much of the ground floor space is vacant.
Burlington MPP Eleanor McMahon has space on the lower level but has decided to mover her office to a location with more exposure.
I think that a good Councillor can help facilitate for businesses and residents improvements in their ward. Rather than add to red tape, she/he should understand the connections needed to speed desirable improvements. Ward Meed demonstrates her leadership in many ways. I find that she cares about her ward.
So every developer that is proposing an improvement to a property within the zoning regulations, has to run their proposal by the ward Councillor for her blessing?
Isn’t there enough red tape at the Hall as it is?
This could be great! One of the aesthetics of this downtown particular stretch is that it has sterile modernist architecture. This is bluntly boring and uninviting. I look forward to a more people friendly walkable district with some stimulating and friendly cafe lifestyle with music and art contributing to revitalizing the hood.