October 7, 2015
Some of the most horrific highway accidents take place on holiday weekends – that’s when families are in cars going to see other members of their family. Check the newspapers Monday, listen to the radio – you will see and hear it all.
Over the Thanksgiving weekend, October 9th through to the 12th, the Halton Regional Police Service will be taking part in a national road safety partnership known as Operation Impact. The goal of the program is to remind drivers that an essential part of traffic education and enforcement is to save lives and reduce injuries on our roadways.
Officers assigned to Operation Impact will focus on behaviour that puts drivers, passengers and other road users at risk: impaired driving, seat belt use, and all aspects related to aggressive/distracted driving.
Aggressive drivers often engage in a combination of high-risk road use behaviours; non-use of seat belts, drinking and driving and speeding. The results of these behaviours are often catastrophic for all involved road users.
This year there have been several motor vehicle fatalities investigated by Halton Police. Each of these deaths represents the tragic loss of a loved one – a senseless tragedy that in most cases could have been prevented.
Our annual participation in Operation Impact forms an important part of our overall traffic strategy where partnerships lead to greater road safety. A focus on high risk behaviours provides opportunities for enforcement as well as education.
A good program, that will be solidly enforced – what was missing? Not a word about distracted driving – the nut cases that think they can text and drive at the same time. If the behaviour isn’t mentioned and targeted it may not get the attention it deserves.
Operation Impact is sponsored by the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police (CACP) and member agencies of the CACP Traffic Committee from across Canada in support of Canada’s Road Safety Strategy 2015, which has a goal of making Canada’s roads the safest in the world by 2015.
That is an interesting target – aren’t we already in 2015?