By Staff
November 25th, 2018
We still haven’t learned.
On November 19, 2018 just after 7:30 am, Halton Police officers initiated a traffic stop in area of New Street and Timber Lane in Burlington. As a result of an investigation, Paul Wybywanez (42) of Burlington was charged with driving over 80mgs.

Being stopped isn’t a problem – being impaired and being stopped is a serious problem for the driver of a vehicle.
On November 19, 2018 just after 9:30 am, Halton Police officers responded to a citizen-initiated complaint in the area of Harvester Road and Appleby Line in Burlington. As a result of an investigation, Avtar Khehra (60) of Burlington was charged with driving while ability impaired and fail or refuse to provide sample.
On November 19, 2018 just before 8:30 pm, Halton Police officers responded to a collision in the area of Trafalgar Road and Ceremonial Drive in Oakville. As a result of an investigation, Felicia Ryan (33) of Milton was charged with fail or refuse to provide sample.
On November 19, 2018 just after 8:30 pm, Halton Police officers responded to a citizen-initiated complaint in the area of Guelph Street and Hall Road in Halton Hills. As a result of an investigation, Gregory Fuller (84) of Halton Hills was charged with driving over 80mgs.
On November 21, 2018 just after 5:30 pm, Halton Police officers responded to a citizen-initiated complaint in the area of Main Street South and Maple Avenue in Halton Hills. As a result of an investigation, Daniel Duplantis (28) of Fergus was charged with care or control while ability impaired and care or control over 80mgs.
On November 21, 2018 just after 7:00 pm, Halton Police officers responded to a collision in the area of Derry Road and Trafalgar Road in Milton. As a result of an investigation, Colleen Connally (36) of Milton was charged with driving while ability impaired and driving over 80mgs.
Each of these incidents could have become fatal for anyone struck by the driver of the vehicle.
Drink if you wish, ingest or inhale anything that is legal – just don’t drive.
And impress upon you Member of Parliament how strong your feelings are on this issue. Bigger fines, longer license suspensions and an even deeper disgust on the part of the public can and will in time bring about a change.
Burlington’s MP is Karina Gould. Email –
The Oakville North Burlington MP is Pam Damoff. Email –
Members of the public are reminded that driving under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol is a crime in progress and to call 9-1-1 immediately to report a suspected impaired driver.