Easterly shore bound winds could reach 80 km/h on Sunday.

News 100 redBy Staff

November 30th, 2019



Yellow statusConservation Halton advises of a winter weather system that will move through the jurisdiction late tonight and continue Sunday bringing a mixture of freezing rain, ice pellets and snow.

Storm waves Flemming #3

Winds from the east pounding the shoreline.

Sustained easterly shore bound winds may exceed 50km/hr with wind gusts over 80 km/hr by early Sunday morning resulting in potential wave heights in the order of 2 to 3 meters along Lake Ontario shoreline areas.

Conservation Halton is asking all residents and children to exercise caution around Lake Ontario shoreline areas. Poor weather conditions combined with cold water temperatures and potential for waves to overtop breakwalls and other shoreline structures continue to make these locations extremely dangerous.

This Flood Outlook – Lake Ontario Shoreline message will remain in effect until Monday December 2nd

Conservation Halton will continue to monitor local weather and Lake Ontario shoreline conditions closely and will either terminate this message or issue further updates as necessary.

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