Edward VII Fountain now complete - globe is in place

By Staff

October 16th, 2021



The people on the Burlington Historical Society take the work they do very seriously.  They collaborate with the Heritage Advisory Committee on which they have two members.

Most of the recommendations that come out of the Advisory Committee are small in nature.  The setting up of a plaque, recommending grants or loans that upgrade heritage homes and do something to ensure that they are kept in good condition.

The Edward VII Fountain is one of the city’s oldest pieces of the city’s Heritage. It has been around for more than 100 years.

Recently the Advisory Committee took on the task of rehabilitating what has been known as the King Edward VII Fountain.

It’s not a particularly attractive item but it is loaded with history.  It has been in place, at various locations in the city, for more than 100 years.

The Heritage people are sticklers about detail – they take the view that if they are going to do something they want to do it right.

Alan Harrington who, along with other members of the Heritage Committee, shepherded the refurbishment of the Fountain explains that the “sorry old unit was hauled away from the corner of City Hall on the May 24 2021 weekend for some much needed repairs.

“Repairs needed because this Hamilton-made cast iron unit has sat on Brant Street for over a century of Burlington’s weather.

“Its last tune up was for the Queen’s Jubilee in 1977.

“About a month ago – we reported the fountain was refurbished and reinstalled back to its rightful spot.

“It looked good…. – however there was one part missing.. the glass globe on top?

“Apparently some part was back ordered in the supply chain?

“Not to worry – that part arrived last week and the globe was installed and plugged in.

“The globe now shines at night with a pearly luminescence – perfect for its location near the Cenotaph.

“Not sure – but we think the last time the globe may have been lit – was by natural gas before World War I ?

“Big thanks to the City Crew for their excellent work – and adding the crowning glory.”

Crowning Glory might be a stretch – but with repairs and a fresh coat of paint it is a handsome addition to what will soon be known as Veteran Square.

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5 comments to Edward VII Fountain now complete – globe is in place

  • Alan Harrington

    An update on the Roly Bird “Tree of Good Fortune” Chestnut Tree in the same square.

    Sadly, the old tree grew past its best-before-date and had to be removed.

    However – please be advised that a NEW chestnut tree has been replanted in its spot..

    Mayor Bird was Burlington’s mayor from 1978 to 1991 and gave the chestnuts away as special tokens of good fortune.

    Full story here on the City website: https://www.burlington.ca/en/Modules/News/index.aspx?newsId=80ddbfc9-9350-4846-8cce-30d75aeda2da

  • Glenda Dodd

    Love it

  • Philip Waggett

    I dropped down this afternoon to have a look at this fountain. A magnificent restoration–congratulations to all who were involved in making this happen.

  • Absolutely stunning as far as we are concerned. Now all we need is the replacement Chestnut Tree we, the Marsdens, were promised would replace the one that “had to be cut down.” REMEMBER Councillor Nisan and Mayor Meed Ward.. We still have one of the original “conkers” as we used to call them some 70 years ago now. Every autumn all the kids on the street would try to have the champion conker….. tbreaded on string with a knot on the end and we would take turns at bashing the living daylights out of each others conkers until all got destroyed except “the very best”. Don’t remember ever getting the honour but it was great fun, cost nothing as most of us had nothing, or less if that is possible. Unless we went scrounging lemonade bottles to return to the shop.

    • Phil Waggett

      Fun days–we lived in west Hamilton during the 1950’s and I attended Central Public School. Lots of horse chestnut trees along the route and we used to love it gathering up the chestnuts following a wind/rain storm.