BURLINGTON, ON May 11, 2011 – Saturday, May 14, at the Burlington Fire Headquarters Station on Fairview St. fireman from Canada and the United States will take part in an exciting auto extrication competition.
Seven auto extrication teams with six members each will participate in the competition.
Fire Department teams currently enrolled are from Halifax and Enfield, Nova Scotia;
Brampton; Mississauga; Chili and Brighton, New York; and Burlington. The goal of the
challenge is to help rescuers stay current with auto extrication practices and share ideas
and techniques to improve life-saving techniques.
This event is open to the public. All are welcomed to attend. Food and beverages are available. Children under 12 years of age will receive a free hot dog. Saturday, May 14, 2011, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Headquarters Station, 1255 Fairview St., Burlington
Competition to be held at Training Complex at rear of station.