By Staff
January 24th, 2022
Have you seen the TS-01-22 item on the February Community Planning committee meeting?
The city started off with Rainbow Crosswalks, then it was benches, one in each ward.

Has the idea of recognizing and celebrating the 2SLGBTQ+ community become an election issue ? That would be a shame. The recognition matters – but let’s not exploit it.
Now there are going to be banners on utility poles on streets.
They are reported to come in at $9,500.
“Where did this come from?”, asked a reader. ” Doesn’t seem to come from any Councillor’s kitty. An Art project? Are we going a little overboard on this issue?”
The come from a Staff Direction that will be issued to the Director of Transportation Services to install Rainbow Pride Banners along the section of Brant Street between Fairview Street and Ghent Avenue for the month of June, in the following years; 2022, 2023 and 202 – assuming this passes council.
They are taking this quite a bit further than many people expected..
Remember, the Mayor fell in love with this idea – put her heart into it. And it is an election year.
The Gazette wants to be crystal clear on this issue. Every community group deserves and has the right to be recognized and respected. Burlington has been a leader at the recognizing; so much so that the Catholic School Board actually came around.
Is the city now making a mockery of the way we recognize?

The cross walk recently installed at Drury and Fairview, at great taxpayer expense, is already flaking off the asphalt. Huge chunks are missing. Costly repairs are likely already being planned. Ironically, and literally giving new meaning to the phrase; “Get Woke, Go Broke”.
I am glad and amazed that people have opted to comment on this subject. It is a no win situation, whether you agree for this incentive not one is then labeled.
I look forward to a world where people can live their lives without labels or promotion.
During a pandemic stirring the pot on this issue is cynical and a waste of time.
must have been a slow news day.
I am sorry it a waist of tax payer money
I am okay with Flags at city Hall and City Property That Enough.
But Cross walks and Benches are a Waist of time and Money
How about we put that money into the city Legal Fund to stop these Buildings Killing are view downtown
“Why is the 2SLGBTQ+ being exploited this way?”
Much easier than dealing with real issues, like keeping tax rate increases to below the rate of inflation. Or finding people at city hall to take responsibility for studies such as the Taxi Cab Bylaw and the Waterfront Hotel.
A useful distraction.
Mayor Skittles McGee is at it again. She fails to realize there is a tipping point when it comes to this sort of thing, where over doing it begins to have an unwanted counter-impact. I applaud the initial effort, but this is getting to be a bit much.
A good stew doesn’t have any one flavour more pronounced than any other, so which month will the BLM banners fly? Indigenous? Asian? Etc etc.
Equality, which I’m sure 99% of the population is in favour of to me means being equals, no one group should have preferential treatment or exposure
Well before talking about whether a mockery is taking place, it would have been appropriate and helpful to readers if the quoted resident or the Gazette had provided more information on this project.
This is not a new item it was discussed and voted on back in June 2021
The following is taken from the February agenda for the City’s Community Planning Committee which is accessible to the all, including the quoted resident and the Gazette. Had either researched this would not be a news story.
“Rainbow Pride Banners (TS-01-22)
Direct the Director of Transportation Services to install Rainbow Pride Banners along the section of Brant Street between Fairview Street and Ghent Avenue for the month of June, in the following years; 2022, 2023 and 2024.
(Note this is Pride Month)
Background and Discussion:
The following staff direction was approved by Council at the meeting on June 22, 2021: Direct the Director of Transportation to report to CPRM Committee no later than Q4 2021 on expanding the Street Banner Program to include a Pride (rainbow) themed option with sufficient time to implement by June 2022, the report shall include options, locations, cost and identify a funding source. (SD-19-21) Current Banner Program The City’s current banner program involves the installation of custom-printed banners on select streetlight posts, which are capable to support the attachment of a banner.
Financial Matters:
The total estimated cost for this project is $9,500 (19 banners at $500/each) and will be funded using the Public Art Installation for Marginalized Groups capital project that received $45,000 in the 2022 approved budget.
Brant St. between Fairview St. and Ghent Ave. is recommended for the installation of Rainbow Pride banners as it provides a suitable and prominent location and creates symmetry with existing banner programs and transitions well with the existing BDBA banner program along Brant St.
Financial Matters: The total estimated cost for this project is $9,500 (19 banners at $500/each) and will be funded using the Public Art Installation for Marginalized Groups capital project that received $45,000 in the 2022 approved budget.
Brant St. between Fairview St. and Ghent Ave. is recommended for the installation of Rainbow Pride banners as it provides a suitable and prominent location and creates symmetry with existing banner programs and transitions well with the existing BDBA banner program along Brant St.”
Please note I am neither saying I am in favour nor am against this project. I’m just pointing out it was discussed at Council last June, and the banners will only be raised during Pride Month. It’s not a year round thing and the costing is within the Public Art Installation for Marginalized Groups capital project that received $45,000 in the 2022 approved budget.