Five people nominated to run for the Office of Mayor - is there any doubt who will win?

By Pepper Parr

August 21st, 2022


The list of candidates for wards 1,2 and 3 has been published – there is a link at the bottom.  The list of candidates has also been published


Marianne Meed Ward wearing the Chain of Office – real clout with that piece of regalia

While a Mayor is just one of seven Council votes, the person wearing the Chain of Office has clout which, used wisely, can guide and shepherd a council to creating and delivering on a vision that is commonly accepted.

There are five people in the race.

Some have not been heard from before, others don’t appear to fully understand what the job is – noe of the four have any municipal council  level experience.

Marianne Meed Ward, the incumbent has served as a Councillor for eight years and one four year term as Mayor

James Kerr
Phone: 905-466-1438

We have yet to hear from James Kerr

Anne Marsden
Phone: 905-467-2860

Anne Marsden, Mayoralty candidate, with her husband delegating at a Council meeting

Anne Marsden has been running for public office since 1984.  She has never been elected but in 2018 she received a stunning 40,000 + votes  when she ran against Gary Carr for the Office of Regional Chair.

And is a stubborn woman – when she believes she is right she is very difficult to move.

Compromise does not come easily to her; however one of her strengths is an ability to dig out information and stick to her guns when confronted.

Marsden reported raising $732. and spending$715

Marsden was one of the people behind digging out the facts behind the c-dificile related death at the Joseph Brant Hospital a decade ago.

The results at the Regional level in the 2018 election deserve detailed attention.

These numbers from the 2018 election when Marsden ran against Gary Carr for Regional Chair have to be looked at carefully. Marsden took 17,407 votes out of Burlington. We have no idea where the support came from BUT if she were to repeat that number in 2022 the race for Mayor takes on a different hue.

Marianne Meed Ward
Phone: 905-802-3114

Mayor Marianne Meed Ward – running for re-election.

There is a charisma to Marianne that hides a number of traits that do not serve her well.

Disappointment is a sentiment that many who worked hard to elect her Mayor in 2018 hold.  Her brutal attempt to force a Councillor to read an apology when the Mayor wanted it read has to be taken for what it was and not shrugged off.  It deserves all the attention it can get.  Watch it again – this is your Mayor

Steve Rieck

It is difficult to take someone with the web site name Mr. Rieck chose.

Review his web site – and if that is what you want – the name will be on the ballot

Our conversation with him was a downer.  The word, much less the concept leadership is not something the man appears to understand.

William Tuck

All we have about William Tuck is his name.  No phone number, or an email address.

He may have been a very last minute nomination and didn’t have much more to give the City Clerk.

It appears that all you have to do is give the city $100 and prove that you are a Canadian citizen and that you either live in Burlington or do business in the city and you can get your name on the ballot.

Candidates in wards 1,2 and 3

Candidates in wards 4,5 and 6

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4 comments to Five people nominated to run for the Office of Mayor – is there any doubt who will win?

  • Sharon

    MMW does not deserve to win this election!

    • Actually Sharon, looking at MMW website name as an anagram it may agree with you as it says VOTEIANNEMAR.CA Hopefully if enough see her first name as an anagram of mine on the ballot they will see what I see “I Anne Mar(sden)” before Meed Ward. (LOL) I drive my kids crazy when I see anagrams in words and names that suit the situation. Example many people call me Anna and whenever I see the word Canaan “the Promised Land” I see anna.Ca. To me this means Burlington, Ontario is my Promised Land. I just have to help take down a few giants before we get to sit back and thoroughly enjoy the fruits of the land.

  • Just a reminder Pepper 2014, 2018 and 2022 are all campaigns where I did not and do not attempt to raise donations whereas MMW spent over $80,000 to get the incumbent position in this election and Goldring over $100,000 for less than my Burlington vote. Also Councillors pay $100 Mayors $200. Just saying.

    • Mary Hill

      Candidate Marsden, it’s time for you to answer questions put to you, that you have been rudely ignoring.

      – If elected will you commit to abide by the City’s Code of Good Governence as it stands.

      I ask this because you were very supportive of Councilor Stolte breaking confudentiality and the code in regards to the Bateman purchase.

      – What is your position on City services? Maintain? Cut? Enhanced?

      – what is your positionon on the City’s property tax rate? Maintain? Cut? Enhanced?

      – What is your position on intensification? How do you propose to manage it?