BURLINGTON, ON December 31, 2011 – They do it every year. Some of them get away with it; others get caught in the RIDE sweep while others bring tragedy and grief into the lives of the people they kill while driving the vehicles and under the influence of alcohol.

Halton Regional Police will be handing out these cards to drivers who made it through the Ride check.
Tomorrow evening a couple of squads of police officers will set up their cars and pull drivers over and do a quick RIDE check. If the police officer thinks you’ve been drinking they will ask you to step out of the car. If they ask you to use the breathalyzer – you could be in serious trouble. If you get charged with drunk driving – consider yourself lucky. Had you continued to drive you might have killed someone.
Halton Regional Police recently took Nelson High School students through a “walking the line” test and let them see what the breathalyzer looked like and how it worked.
The objective was to convince the students that while people think they can drive if they’ve had a few drinks – the fact is that alcohol severally limits your ability to drive or react – so get someone to drive you home.
Yet every year dozens of people in Burlington get caught driving while drunk. It doesn’t have to be this way.
As a cogent reminder as to who this is all about Halton Police hand out cards with pictures done by students in grade 4 and 5 classes with the message: Think of me.