High school teachers get redundancy notices: 154 of them might not have jobs in September.

News 100 blueBy Pepper Parr

April 24th, 2019



The Halton District School Board issued 154 redundancy letters yesterday to secondary school teachers. This is in addition to the 150 redundancy notices that were issued last week to elementary school teachers.

Stuart MillerStuart Miller said last week that the issuing of the notices is a requirement under the Collective Agreement the school board has with its unions.

Miller was unable to say which high schools will lose teachers come September.

It is worth noting that two of Burlington’s seven high schools were closed: Lester B. Pearson was closed last June – its students were transferred to MM Robinson.

Bateman crestRobert Bateman High School is scheduled to close – the actual date was moved back and is now planned for this June. The bulk of the Bateman students will be going to Nelson High School where new facilities are being built for students with special needs.

Those who keep a close eye on public school matters wondered if the decision made three years ago to close two of the seven high schools was not a smart move – even though it wasn’t seen as a smart move at the time.

Miller said in an earlier interview that the province might come through with additional funding or school principals might find a way to shift course offerings and make it possible for a school to keep its staff.

And there is also the matter of retirements – those might open up some spaces that had to be declared redundant.

It is a pretty fluid situation for school administrators – a very uncomfortable situation for teachers who have been told they might not have a job in September.

Related news story:

Elementary school teachers get redundancy notices.

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1 comment to High school teachers get redundancy notices: 154 of them might not have jobs in September.

  • Elizabeth Hamidbasha

    I suggest putting Mr. Ford in a crowded classroom for only one forty minute period and see if he comes out alive!! Teaching is a hard job. We need all the teachers we can get.