By Staff
April 16, 2016
The public school board say they want your opinion and have created a Tell Them From Me survey that is available on line – but they forgot to say just where the survey is on their website. We will check in with these people on Monday and get that information for you.
How effective is the public school board system?
Are you getting what you feel you need for the education of your children?
What does accountability mean?
Is accountability a two way street?
The people who deliver services to the public need to know what you think – if they don’t get public input they are left to do what they think is best – which isn’t always the best. Citizens have a responsibility to advise – this is your opportunity.

Students from across the Region took part in a Skills competition in Burlington.
From April 18 until May 13, 2016, all parents/guardians with children in the Halton District School Board are invited to complete the Tell Them From Me – Our School parent survey. Parents/guardians will be emailed instructions and a link to the survey starting April 18.
Parents will be asked about issues related to learning opportunities, communication, school culture, and climate. The information gathered from the survey is being used to help schools continue to create positive school climates, to inform annual bullying intervention plans, and for parents to have a voice in creating a supportive community at their school.
Students and staff are invited to complete their own Tell Them From Me survey at school. Individual responses are always grouped together for analysis. Parents may complete their survey online from wherever Internet access is available. If you do not have Internet access, please discuss alternatives with your child’s school administrator.
If you have any questions about the surveys please contact Frank Nezavdalf, Department of Research and Accountability, (905) 335-3663 ext. 3381 or by e-mail:
If you have any difficulties accessing the survey or require technical assistance please contact the HDSB Information Centre at 905-333-4372 (HDSB) or 1-888-432-4372 (HDSB), Monday to Friday 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. or by emailing
They both want and need you opinion – it is your children they are there to educate.

Lock the teachers out next time decide to work-to-rule. This school year has been the worst my family has seen the past 10 years. No teacher involvement. No teacher interviews after first report card. No after school activities. When do we tax payers get our money back after paying teachers to not work?