By Staff
BURLINGTON, ON. It doesn’t take the identity thieves and the bank scammers very long to find a new angle.

This is what the email message looked like. The language used gives this one away – as well as the country code in the url.
Yesterday emails began going out advising you that the government had a tax refund for you – all you had to do was fill in a form and the dollars would flow your way.
If you had good email security software in place you would have gotten this message. If you didn’t – you would have gotten a form that looked like the kind of thing a government agency might have sent out and had you filled in the form someone who wants to steal your money would have had the kind of information needed to do just that.
If it looks to good to be true – that’s because it probably is too good to be true.
This email message was sent out to tens of thousands of unsuspecting people with Canadian email addresses. Where did they get the name? That is a tougher question to answer.