Interested in hosting a Culture Days event? Register

By Pepper Parr

August 12th, 2024



The city put it better than I could when they said “Once again” which suggests to me that there are few people taking up the opportunity host free, interactive, in-person or online events and activities during the 15th annual Culture Days.

This year, Culture Days is Sept. 20 to Oct. 13, 2024.

The City is seeking out local artists, cultural professionals and creative organizations to participate.

Those interested in hosting a Culture Days event should register their event online with Culture Days at For more information about participating in Culture Days in Burlington, contact Adam Belovari at 905-335-7600, ext. 7335 or by Tuesday, Sept. 3.

About Culture Days

Culture Days has become the largest cultural event in Canada, attracting an estimated 2.5 million annual attendees to thousands of free activities and performances hosted by artists, cultural organizations and municipalities in hundreds of communities across Canada. Visit for more information.

Director of Recreation, Community and Culture, Emilie Cote

Director of Recreation, Community and Culture, Emilie Cote has put the right spin on this when she said: “Burlington must continue to raise the awareness, accessibility, participation and engagement of residents in arts and culture. I invite our local artists, cultural professionals and creative organizations to this year and consider participating in Burlington’s Culture Days and offer free events, exhibits or activities.”

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