Is Gary Carr leaving the world of politics? Will Tom Adams replace him ?

By Pepper Parr

January 7th, 2022



Word from a usually reliable source is that Regional Chair Gary Carr is not going to run for re-election in October.

Gary Carr as a goal tender.

Gary and his wife moved to Burlington recently and are apparently enjoying being in the city. Previously they were living in a semi-rural setting in Milton

Carr has done a good job at the Region. He was a good MPP and an excellent Speaker in the Legislature. He was a pretty good goalie when he played hockey.

The talk amongst the political set is that Tom Adams, an Oakville Councillor is looking at the job. The Region could do a lot worse.

Tom Adams – Oakville and Regional Councillor

He is the longest continuous serving Chair of Halton’s Planning and Public Works Committee as well as the longest serving Chair of Oakville’s Budget Committee. In these positions, Councillor Adams has worked to protect natural lands, build and renew infrastructure and strengthen Oakville’s strong finances.

Adams is young, articulate and well focused when he takes on a task. Good on detail as well

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