By Staff
April 1st, 2022
It’s their story and they are sticking to it.
The government is not going to impose any restriction as COVID cases surge

“It takes a worried worried man …”
The province is sticking to its reopening agenda despite hospitalizations increasing by 27 per cent in the last week and wastewater analysis pegging new daily cases at around 30,000.
What else is there to say?
The province is going to wait this one out – and hope that nothing breaks wide open in the next two months.
If the numbers do soar – this provincial government is toast.

Probably Not given our History of Vote splitting in Halton & to stick with the Question of Covid
We have no idea who or what is safe in this next wave of Covid.. No testing, No reported data on anything new in Wide Open Ford Ontario — “Do Your Own Thing”, Enjoy! Party on, in all SPACES large and small.
Frontline workers in Medicine our Nurses/ Doctors, Our, Education- workers- (Yes, some worked in those schools every day for needy students) and All those who let us get Food, drugs etc. Are Concerned, Confused, and Challenged .by the Ford & Appointed Medical Experts Mantra- ‘They Can do it again’, ‘all is Ok”.-‘We will watch’. and Maybe..
” When will we Learn and How” ?
Meanwhile the NON Government appointed Docs say- Not so FAST. It is not over. Stay the course. Mask up, social distance, Get your Vac. Who you gonna believe?.
But, I fear Halton will go to the polls with a few crumb “$” back on this and that-(careful, could be taxable), a few promises , and a Premier /Government who will support Business interests Large or Small over Needs/ Wants of the Workers, and the Residents of Halton/Burlington.
OK I am not a All In Supporter of our current Rep and PC 4 years.
However, There are Four other Candidates –PC, Green, Liberal, NDP who offer Governance ideas on local needs and commitment after Election day. New faces in Burlington. Please check them ALL out AND Vote in this Election. The next four years needs us.
Does anyone know if Halton has a waste water gauge on Covid or is it like Hamilton and does not. Think we should know if our Halton Councillors are insisting on every possible means of tracking how we are doing with the reduced restrictions. Victims of injustice have been hard hit during the last two years especially those with technological limitations which we can certainly empathize with. The Courts of Justice have not been operating as the Chief Justices said they would by providing “meaningful access to justice”. They are supposed to be open right now but try filing documents and it is simply not the same service that was in place. They still have restricted hours 9-11 and 2-4 which is very difficult when you live in Burlington and the Court is in Milton if you don`t have everything ready to go until just after 3:00 p.m. as can often be the case and construction can delay you for a good 3/4 hrs. Going to write our advocacy justice experience during pandemic up some day – `Wicked Serve` might be a good title. Most people will surely find it shocking that a virus can do what it did especially to vulnerable persons seeking justice.